I identified SNPs that are associated with phenotype through GWAS. I labeled the types of genetic variants in those significantly associated SNPs and now I'm trying to assess the association of those variants with the phenotype with Fisher's exact test.
Looking at the output of the Fisher exact test in R, can one just by looking at the odds ratio and the p-value state that the genetic variant of interest is either enriched or depleted?
Having for example a p-value = 0.0003 and an OR=0.24 as the result in testing the association between ncRNA and phenotype, how would one interpret the OR? Can we interpret this in the context of gene expression as well?
I've read somewhere that for a 2x2 contingency table, the formula for computing the odds ratio and the fold change in expression analyses are the same thing. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Is there a connection between Fisher's exact test and differential gene expression analysis?