$X(t)$ is a stochastic process defined on the time interval $(0,T)$. Discretizing the time interval one can specify a random variable $X(t_i)$ as:
$$t_0= 0 < t_1,t_2,...,t_{n−1},t_n=T$$
And may be considered as being dependent on the previous random variables $X(t_1),X(t_2),...,X(t_{i−1})$ and $X(t_i)$ may be considered as independent on the random variables that follows in time $X(t_{i+1}),...,X(t_n)$? The conditional probabilities
$$ P(X(t_i) < x|X(t_{i−1}))=P(X(t{i−1}),X(t_i) < x)P(X(t_{i−1})) $$
$$ P(X(t_i) < x|X(t_i+1)) = P(X(t_i) < x,X(t_{i+1}) < x)P(X(t_{i+1}) < x)=P(X(t_i) $$
they end up contradicting each other since one has taken