InstructGPT's detailed algorithm implementation is not open sourced you may continue to search any other paper talking about its detailed PPO styled implementation. Having said that, your reference does mention that:
Finally, since the RM loss is invariant to shifts in reward, we normalize the reward model using a bias
so that the labeler demonstrations achieve a mean score of 0 before doing RL.
Once again following Stiennon et al. (2020), we fine-tuned the SFT model on our environment using PPO (Schulman et al., 2017). The environment is a bandit
environment which presents a random customer prompt and expects a response to the prompt. Given the prompt and response, it produces a reward determined by the reward model and ends the episode... For "PPO" models, γ is set to 0. Unless otherwise specified, in this paper InstructGPT refers to the PPO-ptx models.
Since the InstructGPT PPO agent is facing a (contextual) bandit environment and it's already trained based on the supervised fine-tuning (SFT) large language GPT-3 model with the default starting policy $\pi^{SFT}$, it might be much simpler to be implemented as a PPO algo whose RL objective function in this bandit case is just your referenced equation (2) without any state transition and timesteps $T$ ($T=1$ in this case). And also because reward is normalized before training as claimed above, the advantage function $\hat A$ of any bandit arm could be simply replaced by the term $r_\theta(x,y)-\beta \log(\pi_\Phi^{RL}(y|x)/\pi^{SFT}(y|x))$ defined in your equation (2) withuot any state value baseline. Then you can run PPO with its surrogate objective function either as CLIP or KLPEN or something else.