As to 1., yes, indeed, as we have an independent ratio of a standard normal and the square root of a chi-square root divided by its d.f. (for details, see below, setting $n_B=n_A$).
As to 2., we have by standard results that
\sqrt{n_B}(\bar{X}_B-\mu)/\sigma\sim N(0,1)
(n_A-1)\frac{s_A^2}{\sigma^2}\sim \chi^2_{n_A-1}
t_{B/A}&=&\frac{\bar X_B-\mu}{s_A/\sqrt{n_A}}\\
&=&\frac{\sqrt{n_A}(\bar X_B-\mu)/\sigma}{\sqrt{\frac{s_A^2}{\sigma^2}}}\\
&=&\sqrt{\frac{n_A}{n_B}}\frac{\sqrt{n_B}(\bar X_B-\mu)/\sigma}{\sqrt{\frac{s_A^2}{\sigma^2}}}\\
Again, like in 1.,
\frac{\sqrt{n_B}(\bar X_B-\mu)/\sigma}{\sqrt{\frac{s_A^2}{\sigma^2}}}\sim t(n_A-1),
so that
$$t_{B/A}\sim \sqrt{\frac{n_A}{n_B}}t(n_A-1),$$
a scaled or non-standardized t-distribution with scale parameter $\sqrt{n_A/n_B}$, cf.
Illustration (reset nB <- nA
if you want to illlustrate 1., also note the code allows for differing variances, see edit below):
nA <- 10
nB <- 20
mu <- 0
sigmaA <- 2
sigmaB <- 2
tstats <- function(){
A <- rnorm(nA, mu, sigmaA)
B <- rnorm(nB, mu, sigmaB)
tAB <- sqrt(nA)*mean(B)/sd(A)
plot(density(replicate(20000, tstats())), col="green", lwd=2, xlim=c(-4,4))
xax <- seq(-4, 4, by=0.1)
lines(xax, dlst(xax, df=nA-1, sigma=sqrt((sigmaB^2*nA)/(sigmaA^2*nB))), col="darkgreen", lwd=2)
lines(xax, dt(xax, df=nA-1), col="red", lwd=2)
EDIT in response to the comment below the question:
If the variances differ as in $Var(A_i)=\sigma_A^2$ and $Var(B_i)=\sigma_B^2$, we would write
t_{B/A}&=&\frac{\bar X_B-\mu}{s_A/\sqrt{n_A}}\\
&=&\sqrt{\frac{\sigma^2_B}{\sigma^2_A}}\frac{\sqrt{n_A}(\bar X_B-\mu)/\sigma_B}{\sqrt{\frac{s_A^2}{\sigma_A^2}}}\\
&=&\sqrt{\frac{\sigma^2_Bn_A}{\sigma^2_An_B}}\frac{\sqrt{n_B}(\bar X_B-\mu)/\sigma_B}{\sqrt{\frac{s_A^2}{\sigma_A^2}}},
again obtaining a scaled t with a different scaling factor.