It can go up, or down, or stay the same, depending on both the model and the data.
Here's a simple example. We have two factors, each has two indicators, with all loadings equal to 0.7 and a factor correlation of 0.5.
Create this data in R:
S <- matrix(rep(0.245, 16), nrow = 4)
diag(S) <- 1
S[1, 2] <- S[2, 1] <- S[3, 4] <- S[4, 3] <- 0.49
colnames(S) <- rownames(S) <- paste0("y", 1:4)
Fit the correct model:
model_1 <- "
f1 =~ y1 + y2
f2 =~ y3 + y4
fit_1 <- lavaan::sem(model_1, sample.cov = S, sample.nobs = 1000)
summary(fit_1, standardized = TRUE)
Covariance between f1 and f2 is 0.245.
Add a correlation between y2 and y3 (which are indicators of different factors:
model_1a <- "
f1 =~ y1 + y2
f2 =~ y3 + y4
y2 ~~ y3
fit_1a <- lavaan::sem(model_1a, sample.cov = S, sample.nobs = 1000)
summary(fit_1a, standardized = TRUE)
The correlation and covariance between f1 and f2 is unchanged.
Now change the data. Increase the correlation of variables 2 and 3:
S[2, 3] <- S[3, 2] <- 0.64
Fit model 1 again:
fit_2 <- lavaan::sem(model_1, sample.cov = S, sample.nobs = 1000)
summary(fit_2, standardized = TRUE)
The covariance between f1 and f2 has dropped to 0.213, and the correlation has dropped to 0.435.
Add a correlated error:
fit_2a <- lavaan::sem(model_1a, sample.cov = S, sample.nobs = 1000)
summary(fit_2a, standardized = TRUE)
And the relationship between the latent variables is back to where it was. So adding the correlated error increases the covariance (and correlation) between the latent variables.
Try other values:
S <- matrix(rep(0.25, 16), nrow = 4)
diag(S) <- 1
S[2, 3] <- S[3, 2] <- 0.5
And the covariance / correlation goes down.
If there's non-zero residual correlation between two items on different scales, that correlation needs to go somewhere - so it changes the size of the correlation between the latent variables - which means that that estimate is biased, and the model is wrong without the correlated error and the estimates cannot be trusted.