Let me explain what numbers I'm working with, then I'll explain the problem.
- I calculate the 99th percentile forecast error threshold across all items for the past year at a store.
- Then I report the number of items that, in the past two weeks, had an error greater than that threshold. (It doesn't matter if it was one day or fourteen, they get flagged if they had a forecast error greater than the threshold.)
Ok, so that's that. The problem is, I want to know, statistically, how to calculate the expected number of items that will flag given the generic details of my calculation method, so I can see when we have deviations.
I thought about Poisson since this is basically an arrival rate problem, but that feels circular to me in my head since λ is sort of what I'm after to begin with, and I'm not sure what I'd use for the rest of the parameters anyway.
My manager thinks it will be 1%, but I think that's naively projecting the 99th percentile deal, which was calculated across a year, into the arrival rate for a 2 week period going forward. If that were true you'd expect 1% of items to trigger for one day, one week, one month, which obviously cannot hold, right? More items would trigger with more time, and fewer with less. I'm not sure if it is relevant if the two week period is part of the data used to calculate the thresholds or not?
What's the statistical way I can determine the expected proportion?
clarification edit: I've run this on my data already, so I know what my specific case's baseline is. But I can't figure out how you would calculate the expected number of items to trigger in the general case. I just want to know how you would go about doing that.