In a multilevel framework the question is more clear. Suppose you have data $y_{tj}$ of individuals $j$ measured at a number of time points $t$. A simple model with a random intercept across subjects (individuals) only and no independent variables is:
$y_{tj}=b_{0j} + e_{tj}$
The variance of the random intercept, $\sigma_{b_{0j}}^2$ gives the variance between subjects. The variance $\sigma_e^2$ gives the variance within subjects. The total variance in the data across all individuals and time points equals $\sigma_{b_{0j}}^2
+ \sigma_e^2$. The proportion between subjects variance of the total variance would be equal to 0.5 if the within and between variance would be equal. However, this proportion 0.5 also stands for the correlation between two randomly drawn $y$ values of a randomly drawn individual. So, equal between and within subject variance leads to correlated data, seen from this simple multilevel model perspective. Only if the between subjects variance would be zero, the data at any pair of time points would be independent.
It's relevant to add that a "simple" multilevel model which assumes one and the same variance at each time point and one and the same correlation between any pair of time points may be inappropriate for the data at hand. E.g. adding a fixed or random time effect, linear, quadratic etc. or splines could make a multilevel model more flexible. Further, other models than multilevel models could be used and be more appropriate for longitudinal data. Hence, I think it is difficult or impossible to give a general rule for the relation of between/within subject variance and dependence of data. See e.g. the comment of whuber to this question about serial correlation.