I am trying to run a linear mixed model (LMM) to observe how CH4 and CO2 fluxes change over time. I have a randomized block design with repeated measures over time. I also have an unequal sample size, as I wasn't able to sample a block during one of my time points. I have tried fitting a LMM to my data but see that the random effect, that is controlling for my repeated measures, is causing a singularity issue. I'm afraid that if I remove this variable and run a simple linear regression, I would have pseudo-replication. Some explanation of my variables:
- plot_type = treatment
- plot_id = unique id (block id & treatment id together)
The code and error from the model:
buck.flux.co2 <- lmer(co2_flux ~ plot_type+ (1|plot_ID), data = bucket_data)
boundary (singular) fit: see help('isSingular')
I have heard that having this means that my random effect variable explains none of the variation we see. However, because my ecological system is so variable, I would expect my random effect variable to control for at least a little bit of the variation.
Is there a way for me to check that this is a true response, in that my block design didn't influence any of the variation? If I cant check, will having the singularity error influence my results or can I simply ignore the error? Is there another simpler model in which I can remove this random effect variable but still account for repeated and unequal measurements?
I tried using a glm()
but I couldn't find a distribution that would fit a left skewed dataset that had a large amount of negative continuous values. I have visualized the data and there doesn’t seem to be significant differences between treatments but again I would expect there to be some variation.