I recently encountered a problem with Cox regression that I couldn't find an answer to (please direct me to the appropriate resources if you know of any). So the problem goes as follows:
- I have a gene expression dataset for two different tumour grades (A and B).
- I want to check how gene expression affects HR depending on tumour grade and if the difference is statistically significant.
The thing is that I want to keep the gene expression as numerical values, I don't want to do median splits or any other transformation of these values.
I'm working in R and I'm using the survival package for the analysis.
I found some very useful information in this post (stratification in cox model) but I still feel a bit lost... mainly about the baseline hazard in some of the models and the correct way to compare the models. I have looked at several models:
- Stratified models
fit.strat <- summary(coxph(Surv(time, death == 1) ~ gene + strata(grade), data = test))
. coef exp(coef) se(coef) z Pr(>|z|)
gene 0.2636 1.3016 0.1026 2.569 0.0102 *
The model assumes that the baseline hazard is different for the two grades (we don't know the difference) and that a unit increase in gene expression increases HR by 1.3016 for both grades.
- Two models
fit.grpA <- summary(coxph(Surv(time, death == 1) ~ gene, subset=(grade== "A"), data = test))
. coef exp(coef) se(coef) z Pr(>|z|)
gene 0.7343 2.0840 0.1787 4.11 3.96e-05 ***
fit.grpB <- summary(coxph(Surv(time, death == 1) ~ gene, subset=(grade== "B"), data = test))
. coef exp(coef) se(coef) z Pr(>|z|)
gene 0.0837 1.0873 0.12020 0.69 0.49
fit.grpA and fit.grpB are two different models with different baseline hazards and different effects of change in gene expression.
These models could be compared using the ANOVA test.
- No stratification
fit <- summary(coxph(Surv(time, death == 1) ~ grade:gene, data = test))
. coef exp(coef) se(coef) z Pr(>|z|)
gradeA:gene 0.28458 1.32920 0.11894 2.393 0.01673 *
gradeB:gene 0.27266 1.31346 0.09799 2.783 0.00539 **
Here we have information about the change in HR from baseline, but what is the baseline? Some baseline level of gene expression without differentiation by grade?
Is it possible to check if the influence of the change in gene expression is statistically different between grades (if grade2:gene and grade3:gene results are significantly different)?