This is my contingency_table:
Gene_group phenotype1 phenotype2 phenotype3
Gene_group1 2 4 26
Gene_group2 0 0 1
Gene_group3 2 6 4
Gene_group4 1 0 0
Gene_group5 0 0 2
Gene_group6 0 0 1
Gene_group7 0 0 1
Gene_group8 0 1 1
Gene_group9 3 0 6
Gene_group10 0 0 1
I want to identify gene groups that are significantly enriched in one phenotype over the other two individual phenotypes. Am I right in thinking that I need to run a Fisher's exact test, in a row wise manner, using a 3x2 matrix for each gene group? For each gene group I want to add a new column for the p-value. Do I then need an additional column for the multiple testing corrected p-value perhaps using the Bonferroni correction?
When I say 3x2 matrix, I think each gene group's data can be represented in a 3x2 matrix format, where:
- Columns: Represent the three phenotype categories (phenotype1, phenotype2, phenotype3)
- Rows: Two rows represent the counts for the gene group being tested and the counts for the remaining gene groups.
To do this I've tried the following:
# Load library
# Create contingency table as a data frame
contingency_table <- data.frame(
Gene_group = c("Gene_group1", "Gene_group2", "Gene_group3",
"Gene_group4", "Gene_group5", "Gene_group6", "Gene_group7",
"Gene_group8", "Gene_group9", "Gene_group10"),
phenotype1 = c(2, 0, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0),
phenotype2 = c(4, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0),
phenotype3 = c(26, 1, 4, 0, 2, 1, 1, 1, 6, 1)
# Function to run Fisher's exact test for each Gene group
run_fisher_test <- function(gene_group_row, total_counts) {
# Extract the counts for the current ST group
current_counts <- as.numeric(gene_group_row[2:4])
# Counts for the remaining groups
remaining_counts <-
colSums(total_counts[-which(total_counts$Gene_group ==
gene_group_row$Gene_group), 2:4])
# Create the contingency table
contingency_matrix <- rbind(current_counts, remaining_counts)
# Run Fisher's exact test
test_result <- fisher.test(contingency_matrix)
# Apply the function to each row of the contingency table
contingency_table <- contingency_table %>%
rowwise() %>%
mutate(p_value = run_fisher_test(cur_data(), contingency_table)) %>%
ungroup() # Ungroup after rowwise operations
# Total number of tests
num_tests <- nrow(contingency_table)
# Adjust p-values using Bonferroni correction
contingency_table <- contingency_table %>%
mutate(adjusted_p_value =
p.adjust(p_value, method = "bonferroni")) %>%
mutate(bonferroni_significance = 0.05 / num_tests)
# Calculate the Bonferroni significance level
# View the results
The results look like this:
Does all of this sounds like the correct method?
I then also want to run a 2 x 2 Fishers exact test to look at gene groups significantly enriched in either phenotype1 or phenotype3, adding the p-value and multiple testing corrected p-value to additional columns for each gene group.
I'm new to coding in R, so any advice would be very helpful please.