I'd like your opinion on a very strange behavior that I recently encountered running glmer(). The problem is that when I make the dependent variable into a logical vector, glmer behaves weirdly. My dependent variable is Accuracy, and it is coded in terms of 1 (accurate response) and 0 (wrong response). What puzzles me is that transforming accuracy to a logical vector should work the same way for glmer, as a logical vector is coded in terms of TRUE or FALSE, having also 2 levels. However, glmer gives me different results depending on the transformation of the dependent variable I use. Have you guys encountered this before? Do you know why it happens? Below is sample code so you can replicate the problem yourselves.
#Create fake data
Subject <- c(rep("S1",4), rep("S2",4), rep("S3",4), rep("S4",4))
Item <- rep(c("I1","I2","I3","I4"),4)
Factor1 <- c(c(rep("e1",2),rep("e2",2)), c("e1","e2","e2","e1"),
c(rep("e2",2),rep("e1",2)), c("e2","e1","e1","e2"))
Accuracy <- c(1,1,0,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,1)
#Create data frame and make "Accuracy" into a factor with 2 levels
data <- data.frame(Subject,Item,Factor1, Accuracy)
data$Accuracy <- factor(data$Accuracy) #Accuracy is a factor w/ 2 levels
#Run glmer
m1 <- glmer(Accuracy ~ Factor1 + (1+Factor1|Subject) + (1+Factor1|Item), family = "binomial", data= data)
Fixed effects:
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) 1.946 1.069 1.820 0.0687 .
Factor1e2 -1.946 1.282 -1.518 0.1290
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
That is the output of the first model. Now, look at what happens if I transform data$Accuracy into a logical vector when I run the model:
m2 <- glmer(as.logical(as.numeric(Accuracy)) ~ Factor1 + (1+Factor1|Subject) + (1+Factor1|Item), family = "binomial", data= data)
Fixed effects:
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) 2.557e+01 1.259e+05 0 1
Factor1e2 2.223e-06 1.781e+05 0 1
As you can see, now the coefficient estimates are very different. As I said, this seems very puzzling to me and I'd like yo know if you have some thoughts on why this should be.
Thanks a lot!