Consider the least squares problem $Y=X\beta +\epsilon$ while $\epsilon$ is zero mean Gaussian with $E(\epsilon) = 0$ and variance $\sigma^2$. I need to prove that
$\frac{V(\hat{\beta})}{N-(n+m)}$ is an unbiased estimate of $\sigma^2$ with $V(\beta) = ||Y-X\beta||$ .
I wasn't able to find the answer online. I just got confused by a thousand different ways to write things down.
$Y = \begin{pmatrix} y(0)\\ \vdots \\ y(N-1)\end{pmatrix} \quad$
$X = \begin{pmatrix} x^T(0)\\ \vdots \\ x^T(N-1)\end{pmatrix}\quad $
$\beta = \begin{pmatrix} a_1\\ \vdots \\ a_n\\ b_1 \\\vdots \\ b_m \end{pmatrix}$
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