Power of F-tests for Gaussian linear models
General $F$-test
Any Gaussian linear model can be written $\boxed{Y=\mu+\sigma G}$ where $G$ has the standard normal distribution on $\mathbb{R}^n$ and $\mu$ is assumed to belong to a linear subspace $W$ of $\mathbb{R}^n$.
Usually, the theory of Gaussian linear models treat them with the $Y=X\beta+\sigma G$ writing, corresponding to $W=\text{Im}(X)$. There are good reasons for that but the underlying geometry is clearer with the $\boxed{Y=\mu+\sigma G}$ treatment.
The so-called "ANOVA test" is a particular test of a F-test for a null hypothesis $H_0\colon\{\mu \in U\}$ where $U\subset W$ is a linear subspace. Actually the F-test exactly coincides with the likelihood-ratio test in this situation, and it is based on the Fisher statistic
F = \frac{{\Vert P_Z Y\Vert}^2/(m-\ell)}{{\Vert P_W^\perp Y\Vert}^2/(n-m)},
where $Z=U^\perp \cap W$ is the orthogonal complement of $U$ in $W$, and denoting $m=\dim(W)$ and $\ell=\dim(U)$.
Obviously $\boxed{P_Z Y = P_Z \mu + \sigma P_Z G}$ and
$\boxed{P_W^\perp Y = \sigma P_W^\perp G}$.
When $H_0\colon\{\mu \in U\}$ is true then $P_Z \mu = 0$ and therefore
F = \frac{{\Vert P_Z G\Vert}^2/(m-\ell)}{{\Vert P_W^\perp G\Vert}^2/(n-m)} \sim F_{m-\ell,n-m}
has the Fisher $F_{m-\ell,n-m}$ distribution. Consequently, from the classical relation between the Fisher distribution and the Beta distribution, $R^2 \sim {\cal B}(m-\ell, n-m)$.
In the general situation we have to deal with $P_Z Y = P_Z \mu + \sigma P_Z G$ when $P_Z\mu \neq 0$. In this general case one has ${\Vert P_Z Y\Vert}^2 \sim \sigma^2\chi^2_{m-\ell}(\lambda)$, where $\chi^2_{m-\ell}(\lambda)$ is the noncentral $\chi^2$ distribution with $m-\ell$ degrees of freedom and noncentrality parameter $\boxed{\lambda=\frac{{\Vert P_Z \mu\Vert}^2}{\sigma^2}}$, and then
$\boxed{F \sim F_{m-\ell,n-m}(\lambda)}$ noncentral Fisher distribution. To compute $P_Z\mu$, note that $P_Z = P_W - P_U$ and $P_W\mu=\mu$, hence the only thing to compute is $P_U \mu$.
Power of the $F$-test
The power of the $F$-test depends on the significance level $\alpha$ which is chosen by the user. The critical value $c$ of the test is the value for which $\Pr_0(F>c)=1-\alpha$ where $\Pr_0$ denotes the probability under the null $H_0$. The power is then $\Pr(F>c)=1-\alpha$ where $\Pr$ denotes the probability under the unknown parameters. As we have seen, $\Pr$ only depends on $\lambda$, $n$, $m$ and $l$.
R code
The effect size in this situation is $\sqrt{\frac{\lambda}{n}}$, and it is more usual to take the effect size rather than the non-centrality parameter $\lambda$ as an input of the power. Thus I have written the following R function which returns the power using the effect size as an argument rather than the noncentrality parameter.
# alpha : significance level eff : effect size ; n : sample size ; m :
# number of parameters of the model ; l : number of parameters of the
# submodel H0 ;
Power <- function(alpha, eff, n, m, l) {
df1 <- m - l
df2 <- n - m
c <- qf(1 - alpha, df1, df2)
lambda <- eff^2 * n
pow <- pf(c, df1, df2, ncp = lambda, lower.tail = FALSE)
Power(alpha = 5/100, eff = 0.5, n = 48, m = 5, l = 4)
## [1] 0.92303
The case of ANOVA
The pwr.anova.test()
function of the pwr
package calculates power of ANOVA for the balanced case only. For example, when there are $3$ groups, $4$ observations per group, the power for $\alpha=5\%$ and for an effect size of $0.5$ is
pwr.anova.test(3, 4, 0.5, 5/100)
## Balanced one-way analysis of variance power calculation
## k = 3
## n = 4
## f = 0.5
## sig.level = 0.05
## power = 0.24088
## NOTE: n is number in each group
With the general notations of the $F$-test, here $U$ is a one-dimensional subspace corresponding to the assumptions that all group means are equal. The space $W$ has the same dimension as there are groups, here $3$. Thus using my function one get the power as follows:
Power(alpha = 5/100, eff = 0.5, n = 12, m = 3, l = 1)
[1] 0.24088
. $\endgroup$