I have reviewed a set of papers, each reporting the observed mean and SD of a measurement of $X$ in its respective sample of known size, $n$. I want to make the best possible guess about the likely distribution of the same measure in a new study that I am designing, and how much uncertainty is in that guess. I am happy to assume $X \sim N(\mu, \sigma^2$).
My first thought was meta-analysis, but the models typically employed focus on point estimates and corresponding confidence intervals. However, I want to say something about the full distribution of $X$, which in this case would also including making a guess about the variance, $\sigma^2$.
I have been reading about possible Bayeisan approaches to estimating the complete set of parameters of a given distribution in light of prior knowledge. This generally makes more sense to me, but I have zero experience with Bayesian analysis. This also seems like a straightforward, relatively simple problem to cut my teeth on.
1) Given my problem, which approach makes the most sense and why? Meta-analysis or a Bayesian approach?
2) If you think the Bayesian approach is best, can you point me to a way to implement this (preferably in R)?
I have been trying to work this out in what I think is a 'simple' Bayesian manner.
As I stated above, I am not just interested in the estimated mean, $\mu$, but also the variance,$\sigma^2$, in light of prior information, i.e. $P(\mu, \sigma^2|Y)$
Again, I know nothing about Bayeianism in practice, but it didn't take long to find that the posterior of a normal distribution with unknown mean and variance has a closed form solution via conjugacy, with the normal-inverse-gamma distribution.
The problem is reformulated as $P(\mu, \sigma^2|Y) = P(\mu|\sigma^2, Y)P(\sigma^2|Y)$.
$P(\mu|\sigma^2, Y)$ is estimated with a normal distribution; $P(\sigma^2|Y)$ with an inverse-gamma distribution.
It took me a while to get my head around it, but from these links(1, 2) I was able, I think, to sort how to do this in R.
I started with a data frame made up from a row for each of 33 studies/samples, and columns for the mean, variance, and sample size. I used the mean, variance, and sample size from the first study, in row 1, as my prior information. I then updated this with the information from the next study, calculated the relevant parameters, and sampled from the normal-inverse-gamma to get the distribution of $\mu$ and $\sigma^2$. This gets repeated until all 33 studies have been included.
# Loop start values values
i <- 2
k <- 1
# Results go here
muL <- list() # mean of the estimated mean distribution
varL <- list() # variance of the estimated mean distribution
nL <- list() # sample size
eVarL <- list() # mean of the estimated variance distribution
distL <- list() # sampling 10k times from the mean and variance distributions
# Priors, taken from the study in row 1 of the data frame
muPrior <- bayesDf[1, 14] # Starting mean
nPrior <- bayesDf[1, 10] # Starting sample size
varPrior <- bayesDf[1, 16]^2 # Starting variance
for (i in 2:nrow(bayesDf)){
# "New" Data, Sufficient Statistics needed for parameter estimation
muSamp <- bayesDf[i, 14] # mean
nSamp <- bayesDf[i, 10] # sample size
sumSqSamp <- bayesDf[i, 16]^2*(nSamp-1) # sum of squares (variance * (n-1))
# Posteriors
nPost <- nPrior + nSamp
muPost <- (nPrior * muPrior + nSamp * muSamp) / (nPost)
sPost <- (nPrior * varPrior) +
sumSqSamp +
((nPrior * nSamp) / (nPost)) * ((muSamp - muPrior)^2)
varPost <- sPost/nPost
bPost <- (nPrior * varPrior) +
sumSqSamp +
(nPrior * nSamp / (nPost)) * ((muPrior - muSamp)^2)
# Update
muPrior <- muPost
nPrior <- nPost
varPrior <- varPost
# Store
muL[[i]] <- muPost
varL[[i]] <- varPost
nL[[i]] <- nPost
eVarL[[i]] <- (bPost/2) / ((nPost/2) - 1)
# Sample
muDistL <- list()
varDistL <- list()
for (j in 1:10000){
varDistL[[j]] <- 1/rgamma(1, nPost/2, bPost/2)
v <- 1/rgamma(1, nPost/2, bPost/2)
muDistL[[j]] <- rnorm(1, muPost, v/nPost)
# Store
varDist <- do.call(rbind, varDistL)
muDist <- do.call(rbind, muDistL)
dist <- as.data.frame(cbind(varDist, muDist))
distL[[k]] <- dist
# Advance
k <- k+1
i <- i+1
var <- do.call(rbind, varL)
mu <- do.call(rbind, muL)
n <- do.call(rbind, nL)
eVar <- do.call(rbind, eVarL)
normsDf <- as.data.frame(cbind(mu, var, eVar, n))
colnames(seDf) <- c("mu", "var", "evar", "n")
normsDf$order <- c(1:33)
Here is a path diagram showing how the $E(\mu)$ and $E(\sigma^2)$ change as each new sample is added.
Here are the desnities based on sampling from the estimated distributions for the mean and variance at each update.
I just wanted to add this in case it is helpful for someone else, and so that people in-the-know can tell me whether this was sensible, flawed, etc.