is doing the bootstrapping for you. Your statistic function doesn't need to do any additional resampling - and shouldn't do it. It should only to extract the i
elements that were provided, and compute the statistics on the sample.
Your problem here is that you are not computing the AUC statistic - you are (if I understand your mean
line properly) sampling an estimate of it (or something of this sort, I am note quite sure how to call it here). I am unsure how bad it is to do so in bootstrap (I mean sample rather than compute), but it introduces extra variance that will (I suspect) widen your interval and that you should certainly avoid by all means.
Computing an exact AUC for your sample is not exactly trivial (i.e. it cannot be done in one line with functions from the recommended R packages), and no such function is built into R, so I would recommend using a third-party function for that. In the following I will use pROC
(disclaimer: I am the developer of this package), but you could really use any function that computes the AUC.
# set.seed(117) # you should not set.seed unless you are debugging
test <- c(rnorm(70, 40, 10), rnorm(30, 55, 10))
dx <- c(rep(0, 65), rep(1,35) )
df <- data.frame(cbind(test, dx))
r <- 1000
boot.f <- function(d, i){
data <- d[i,]
auc(roc(data$dx, data$test))
roc.boot<-boot(df, boot.f, r)
roc.boot, type="bca")
This code runs much slower than yours, partly because roc
and auc
perform several sanity checks, and do it at each step of the bootstrap.