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FDR correction when tests are correlated

I have a data set with small number of samples and large number of variables. I did hypothesis testing (T test) on each of the variable and got a number of p values. However, the variables are ...
WCMC's user avatar
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Correction for Multiple comparisons using Mann-Whitney U test

I am using Mann-Whitney U tests to compare groups of high and low relationship quality on five psychological outcomes. My data is non-normally distributed which is why I am using Mann-Whitney U tests ...
Tom's user avatar
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Why bother with Benjamini-Hochberg correction?

I was recently reading Efron's Simultaneous Inference paper (2008), in which he points out that FDR analysis is robust to splitting the tests into multiple mutually exclusive families of test, ...
TreeStump's user avatar
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Multiple comparisons in mixed effects model

tl;dr In a random-slopes model, how should one adjust for multiple comparisons when performing inference on the group-specific slopes (the BLUPs)? Note 1: Bretz et al, the R package 'multcomp', and ...
Jacob Socolar's user avatar
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Practical meaning of the PRDS property in Benjamini-Hochberg procedure under dependence

I am reading paper by Benjamini and Yekutieli (2001) on controlling FDR under dependence. My question is to figure out, in practical applications, whether the PRDS property is fulfilled in a given ...
January's user avatar
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Multiple comparisons version of Kolmogorov-Smirnov test

Suppose $\mathbf{y}_{i} $ and $ \mathbf{x}_{i}\,$ are length-$m$ vectors and $D_{i}$ is some arbitrary distribution $(i=1,...,N)$. I would like to conduct the following hypothesis test: $ H_{0}: \...
Mathew Carroll's user avatar
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If we do two one-sided tests instead of a two-sided test, can we get extra power by using a better multiple testing correction than Bonferroni?

A standard problem in statistics would be something like the following. $$ H_0: \theta = \theta_0 $$ $$ H_a: \theta \ne \theta_0 $$ This is a two-sided test. What if we did the following two tests? $$ ...
Dave's user avatar
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FDR extension to the Time Series domain?

Sequential testing is common for Time series. Think SupF kind of tests, or a chow-test for structural break in the parameters over a grid of data points. So, we have many (as many as data points ...
user26782's user avatar
3 votes
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Does a procedure controlling FDR at level $\alpha$ always reject at least as much as a procedure controlling FWE at $\alpha$?

I understand the false discovery rate (FDR) is weakly less than the familywise error rate (FWE), and FDR is thus a less stringent way to control for type 1 errors. However, will a procedure that ...
Golden_Ratio's user avatar
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Inference while controlling False Discovery rates given known dependence between test statistics

I have a number $n$ of standard normal test statistics $\boldsymbol{\beta}$, each of which belonging to a hypothesis I want to test. So under H$_0$ $$\boldsymbol{\beta} \sim N(\mathbf{0}, \boldsymbol{...
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