Linked Questions

1 vote
1 answer

AP Statistics exam [duplicate]

I have a good handle on probability theory, at least I understand the book I 1st course in probablity by Ross. However, I am having a hard time understanding Statistics, I got a prep book to teach ...
41 votes
12 answers

Open Source statistical textbooks?

There have been a few questions about statistical textbooks, such as the question Free statistical textbooks. However, I am looking for textbooks that are Open Source, for example, having an Creative ...
7 votes
4 answers

Free econometrics textbooks

Are there any free econometrics textbooks available online for individual use? I'm aware of Bruce Hansen's first year PhD Econometrics textbook, but I'd be interested to hear if there are any other ...
7 votes
4 answers

Understanding multiple regression output

I am a first year psychology student. I am doing some research work with a prof, unfortunately the material that I need to use right now is covered only in my second year. But I need to already know ...
Sarah's user avatar
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8 votes
6 answers

Online reference for review of introductory statistics material

Can anyone suggest a good review reference (necessarily free online PDF) to brush up college-level statistics? I'm looking at something which typically covers a first course in statistics ideally ...
6 votes
3 answers

Is class worth the money?

I'm debating taking some classes on and was curious if anyone has taken classes there or knows any one who has or has any suggestions for good ways to learn stats/machine learning on ...
9 votes
1 answer

Most efficient way to check answers to exercises when learning from a statistics textbook?

There's a community wiki at: Free statistical textbooks that has a nice list of freely available textbooks on statistics. Many of the textbooks that people suggest have exercises at the end of each ...
2 votes
2 answers

What does a Barplot, a Boxplot and eCDF represent?

I want to understand what a barplot, boxplot, and eCDF represent when they are used for plotting data. A barplot is kind of intuitive, easy to understand what it represents. But I fail to understand ...
cross's user avatar
  • 135
1 vote
1 answer

Normality test and Outlier detection [duplicate]

In this question, I would like to ask two things: outlier detection normality test Details are as follows: I need to detect and remove outliers in my data. Before doing that, I want to test if my ...
Alexia k Boston's user avatar
-4 votes
2 answers

Normal Distribution: Is it made with replacement or without replacement?

I am confused about how a normal distribution is drawn. Are the elements drawn with or without replacement?
RSol's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Why does One Way ANOVA not have an SSE Term?

For a Two Way ANOVA with two factors A and B, the Sum of Square equation is:- SSTO = SSA + SSB + SSAB + SSE Where, SSTO = Total Sum of Squares SSA = Sum of Squares due to Factor A SSB = Sum of ...
Rishi Sharma's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

What model to use for predicting points of a FPL player(football)?

I want to implement a project to find (predict) points scored by each player for the coming gameweek. I am targeting Fantasy Premier League(FPL) for this. What I exactly want to do is using previous ...
SUIIIII's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Statistics book recommendation for absolute beginners and non-mathematics people

Based on this this and this, but also looking for following specifications For absolute beginners level, and easy type book. Easy to read (Less text, larger fonts). Not mathematically rigorous. More ...
3 votes
2 answers

References about the theory of linear regression or regression in general

I am looking for references about the theory of linear regression or regression in general. More specifically, I am interested in knowing under what circumstances an estimated regressor is going to ...
0 votes
2 answers

Regression equation in tree algorithms

Is there any possibility to obtain regression equation (y=...) by using tree algorithms (e.g.random forest, gradient boost or xgboost) ? As I understand, the target that we attempt to use these ...
ŞAHİN SARRAFİ's user avatar

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