Linked Questions

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Best Loss Function for Shape Resemblance in Time Series

Basically, predicting future values step by step using past values and some covariates as a feature, using some LSTM, Conv layers from tensorflow. I started by using mean absolute percentage error as ...
Della's user avatar
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What is the theoretical justification for alternatives to MSE minimisation?

I'm trying to wrap my head around the connection between statistical regression and its probability theoretical justification. In many books on statistics/machine learning, one is introduced to the ...
Othman El Hammouchi's user avatar
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Giving more importance to under prediction (mean absolute error) than over prediction for forecasting

Just curious to hear any thoughts on weighting over prediction in mean absolute error to minimize the penalty since I'm more interested in under prediction, if that makes sense. Basically, I'm ...
theduker's user avatar
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How to compare the performance of ARIMA and LSTM for time series forecasting?

I am facing some challenges in comparing LSTM and ARIMA for soma datasets. I would like to know if there are some general expectations regarding the differences between ARIMA and LSTM regarding how ...
Zaratruta's user avatar
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is Mean Absolute Error (MAE) unique?

Reading this answer as to why minimizing MAE results in median forecasts, I did not fully understand why MAE is not unique! What is exactly meant by this? Can someone give a specific example of ...
jj_coder's user avatar
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Mean logarithmic square error

I have a fallowing problems: I'm training a neural network against some set of output values (regression problem). Those values are between -inf to inf and I can't normalize them, because they come ...
Daniel Wiczew's user avatar
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Practical use of median?

Someone recently asked me the business use of various measures of central tendencies. Although the usage of mean and mode is intuitive and easily seen, I could not think of one intuitive use of median....
Srishti Jain's user avatar
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Machine learning benchmarks: MAE, RMSE, and R-squared

I'm working on a machine learning problem, and I'm having trouble interpreting different measures of model performance. I have a single dependent variable (proportion change between two treatments, ...
S. Robinson's user avatar
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How evaluate predictions when for each prediction there are multiple true values?

My case, as it seems to me, should be quite common, yet I cannot find any information. The situation is as follows: there is a regression model, and for each predicted value, there are multiple true ...
Peter's user avatar
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Using SVM to predict wind speed--how do I calculate the accuracy?

This is my first foray into machine learning, as I usually rely on statistical methods. In the past I've used SVM and its worked, but this is usually with data that is classification (e.g. iris and ...
hoaxasaurusrex's user avatar
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Error measure for 3D-field-comparison - meaning of mean/median

Short Version I have to compare two vectors of predictions (from different methods) against one vector of measurements to find out which prediction performs better. Note that this is not a ...
StefanS's user avatar
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Does quadratic loss find the median of the prior distribution?

Does quadratic loss find the median of the prior distribution? Someone told me linear loss finds the mean, all-nothing loss function finds the mode of the prior.
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Why does one interested in modelling the distribution of median of random samples?

I was reading this article which introduce the families of distribution for the median of an random sample. However, the writer did not state the reason why one is interested in modelling the ...
fletcherwrw's user avatar
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Calculating error metrics on log10(y) bayesian ridge regression model. Why does model perform better when trained on log10(y)?

I am using scikit learn's Bayesian ridge regression model and am training my model on log10(y), exponentiating (10 ** y_i) my predictions back to their original value, then calculating my error ...
lambdaChops's user avatar
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Compare value with distribution

I have developed a model that returns flight times between two airports e.g. Paris Rome, 115 minutes. I would like to compare this value with the value distribution from real flights e.g. (123, 110, ...
Francisco Lemos's user avatar

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