Linked Questions

2 votes
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Is this correct use of linear mixed model?

This is the current data I have I want to know if fixed factor A has any effect on C. That is, if A1 = A2 = ... = A5. I think I am trying to find a group difference, correct me if I am wrong. ...
aiorr's user avatar
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should i use only main effect or include interaction for my ancova, not sure how to define my model

I am running an ancova, dv= "usc", between var=group, covariate = gender. I am not sure if i should use * or + in my formula. also, if i wanted to add another covariate (say education), how ...
matt's user avatar
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Can AIC and BIC be used to compare models trained using not nested features?

The models are trained using the same dataset. I know these criterions can be use to do model selection for nested features. Suppose model 1 has feature A,B,C, model 2 has feature B,C,D, I can use ...
StaEx_G's user avatar
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