Linked Questions

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In a linear model, why do we have $-2X^T \vec{y} + 2X^T X \vec{\beta}=0$? [duplicate]

When we derive the estimates of $\vec{\beta}$ such that they minimize the sum of squared error ($SSE$) we begin with $\sum_{i=1}^{n} (y_i - (\beta_0 + \beta_1x_1 + ... + \beta_kx_k))^2$. This is ...
AdmiralMunson's user avatar
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A simple optimization problem [duplicate]

I am trying to derive ELM going through the basics , please help me out here : $$f = x^Tx$$ $$g = Ax-b $$ The constraint is $Ax-b = 0$ I calculated $J' = f'+\lambda^T g'$ which is $2x+(\lambda^T ...
abkds's user avatar
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Is there an intuitive interpretation of $A^TA$ for a data matrix $A$?

For a given data matrix $A$ (with variables in columns and data points in rows), it seems like $A^TA$ plays an important role in statistics. For example, it is an important part of the analytical ...
Alec's user avatar
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How do we know $X'X$ is nonsingular in OLS?

I am currently working through understanding the mechanics of OLS estimates and the hat matrix. One thing I have been searching for without luck is how we know that the term $X'X$ is invertible where $...
samvoit4's user avatar
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Intuition using linear algebra that the rank of the projection matrix equals the rank of the design matrix

Using linear algebra to explain, can someone show the intuition? I can show that the ranks are the same by using properties of rank but can't get my head around the whole projection thing more than ...
python_learner's user avatar
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Why is R-squared equal to the sum of standardized coefficients times the correlation?

Reading about standardized coefficients I came across the following formula: $$R^2=\sum\beta_ir_{yi}$$ Where $\beta$ is the standardized coefficient for the independent variable $i$ and $r_{yi}$ is ...
MarianoC's user avatar
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Orthogonality of columns of the augmented design matrix for ridge regression

In the question: How to derive the ridge regression solution? there is a solution by whuber, which describes how the columns of the augmented matrix approach pairwise orthogonality as the ...
sunspots's user avatar
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Theoretical reason for multiple linear regression predictions being the same when adding and subtracting predictors

Say I have two variables $x_1$ and $x_2$, now I build a linear regression model as below $$\hat{Y} = n_1 x_1 + n_2 x_2.$$ Then I build another model as below $$\hat{Z} = m_1 (x_1 + x_2) + m_2 (x_1 - ...
Bratt Swan's user avatar
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Geometric understanding of linear regression

I am reading up on linear regression from mit 16.850 Here is how the lecture goes: Given: $Y_{n,1}$ (targets), $X_{n, p}$ (data), $t_{p, 1}$ (the parameters I'm optimizing over), True model: $Y = \...
figs_and_nuts's user avatar
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How do we get that $\hat\beta_1\,\sigma_x = \widehat{\beta_1\sigma_x} = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n \xi_i y_i = \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{\xi_i}{n} y_i$?

I am trying to understand this answer by @whuber to this question of how to get the standard errors of the regression estimators. @whuber says the following: Variance of the slope estimate The ...
The Pointer's user avatar
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OLS - The relationship between "minimizing SSR" and "the ration between cov(X,Y) and Var(X)" [closed]

Question What would be the intuitive explanation for the slope of Ordinary Least Squares(OLS), which is $\frac{cov(X,Y)}{var(X)}$ contributes minimizing the sum of squared residuals? In the same ...
Eiffelbear's user avatar