Linked Questions

2 votes
0 answers

Sum of Discrete Random Variables [duplicate]

If I have two independent discrete random variables, say, $$ X \in \{1,3,10,20\} $$ and $$ Y \in \{2,3,5,9,11,15\} $$ and let $$Z = X + Y $$ be the sum of two variables. Also, each value taken by ...
KAY_YAK's user avatar
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0 answers

When do we say a variable is Normally distributed? [duplicate]

Going back to the basics for a second. Say we have a random variable Y that is normally distributed: $X$~$N(\mu_1,\sigma_1^2)$. That means the pdf of X is: $$f_X(x)=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}\sigma_1}e^{-\...
ColorStatistics's user avatar
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Calculate $ E(Y) $ when $ Y = max(X, 2\theta - X ) $ [duplicate]

Calculate $ E(Y) $ when $ Y = max(X, 2\theta - X ) $ when $ X $ ~ $ Uniform U( 0 , 2\theta ) . $ To this question, one of my classmates answered like this Let $ A = X , B = 2\theta - X $ $ E(Max(A,...
simran's user avatar
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112 votes
10 answers

What is meant by a "random variable"?

What do they mean when they say "random variable"?
Baltimark's user avatar
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200 votes
5 answers

Why do we need sigma-algebras to define probability spaces?

We have a random experiment with different outcomes forming the sample space $\Omega,$ on which we look with interest at certain patterns, called events $\mathscr{F}.$ Sigma-algebras (or sigma-fields) ...
Antoni Parellada's user avatar
71 votes
10 answers

Why is the sum of two random variables a convolution?

For long time I did not understand why the "sum" of two random variables is their convolution, whereas a mixture density function sum of $f(x)$ and $g(x)$ is $p\,f(x)+(1-p)g(x)$; the arithmetic sum ...
Carl's user avatar
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31 votes
5 answers

Empirical CDF vs CDF

I'm learning about the Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function. But I still don't understand Why is it called 'Empirical'? Is there any difference between Empirical CDF and CDF?
Gammaries's user avatar
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31 votes
6 answers

In layman's terms, what is the difference between a model and a distribution?

The answers (definitions) defined on Wikipedia are arguably a bit cryptic to those unfamiliar with higher mathematics/statistics. In mathematical terms, a statistical model is usually thought of as ...
AlanSTACK's user avatar
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11 votes
7 answers

Why is the denominator in a conditional probability the probability of the conditioning event?

Quite a simple or at least short question: Why is $ \frac{P(A \cap B)}{P(B)} $ divided by $ P(B) $ for the conditional probability? $ P(A | B) = \frac{P(A \cap B)}{P(B)} $ Random image to visualize: ...
Ben's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

Why is $x + x = 2x$, but $X + X \neq 2X$?

At this AP central page Random Variables vs. Algebraic Variables, the author, Peter Flanagan-Hyde draws a distinction between algebraic and random variables. In part he says $x + x = 2x$, but $X ...
user366312's user avatar
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22 votes
4 answers

Are "random sample" and "iid random variable" synonyms?

I have been facing hard time understanding meaning of "random sample" as well as "iid random variable". I tried to find out the meaning from several sources, but just got more and more confused. I am ...
Silent's user avatar
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11 votes
4 answers

How to interpret sum of two random variables that cross domains?

suppose we have two discrete random variables: $X: \{$6 sided dice rolls$\}$ $\rightarrow \{1..6\}$ (following uniform distribution) $Y: \{$coin flips$\}$ $\rightarrow \{0,1\}$ (following uniform ...
user352102's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Why do you have to provide a variogram model when you are kriging?

I am very new to spatial statistics and watching lots of tutorials, But I don't really get why you have to provide a variogram model when you krige. I am using the gstat package in R, and this is ...
Kasper's user avatar
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why can two random variables be added only when they have the same domain?

I am watching lecture 7 in harvard stats 110 and the professor is teaching distribution of addition of two random variables and in a breadth says that random variables can be added only if their ...
figs_and_nuts's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

what exactly does it mean when we say "Let $X_1, X_2 ...$ be iid random variables"

Every now and then I read that phrase and get confused. When we say "Let $X_1, X_2, \dots X_n$ be iid random variables" I thought this meant that we are sampling $X$ random variable n many times ...
MoneyBall's user avatar
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