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Multiple linear regression with lm() in R, why is the intersection dependent on the name of the "first" country

I have a question about the function lm() used for multiple linear regression analysis. Context: We have a dataset (that I cannot share) where $y$ is the proportion ...
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Recreate `lm` Categorical Regression

Consider the code, which contains regression using lm of two categorical and one continuous variables without interaction using data from the correct model: ...
温泽海's user avatar
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Sum contrast model intercept for multiple factors

How is the intercept calculated for a linear model with multiple factors using contr.sum. From what I've read the intercept is equal to the "grand mean", which as ...
K Sco's user avatar
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Why does removing the offset change the F-statistic of an anova model in R?

When a linear model with only a single categorical variables is defined without an offset, the F-statistic reported by summary() and ...
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