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Cross correlation of time series in a cluster

I have 15000 time series each of length 288 (corresponding to a sample taken every 5 minutes during a single day), and I want to group these time series by how similar they are based on shape and y-...
derNincompoop's user avatar
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Find similar stores on the basis of their monthly sales values and trend

I have a bunch of stores data and I want to find similar stores (Time period 1 year, monthly data) based on combination of two steps: 1) Month on month sales value of store A should be similar to ...
bakas's user avatar
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Technique for matching trend as well as magnitude of a time series

I have store level data which can range from 3 months to 1 year. This data is basically store weekly level data. For a given store I want to cluster stores as similar stores based on any input ...
bakas's user avatar
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How to sort multiple time-series based on "shape"?

Consider the following toy data: All prices have been normalised using $${Price_{Norm} = \frac{Price_{current} - Price_{Min}}{Price_{Max} - Price_{Min}}}$$ Item : Prices Apples : 0.0, 0.4, 0.8, ...
Bloc97's user avatar
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6 votes
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Whats the difference between applying Correlation and DTW in a Time Series

I have a Financial Time Series from a database and intend to cluster the time series based on their similarity. How would it be different to cluster them based on their pairwise Correlation and ...
Anoop Js's user avatar
-1 votes
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Which clustering approach represents my time-series data

I have time-series data of 12 consumers. The data corresponding to 12 consumers (named as a ... l) is I want to cluster these consumers so that I may know which ...
Haroon Lone's user avatar
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Comparing pop singers performance over time? (Comparing polynomials)

I've got a bunch of data on pop singers' performance on the Hot 100 charts over time, and I'm trying to compare the early part of different artists' careers. For example, I might look compare Miley ...
Chris Wilson's user avatar
4 votes
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How do I do temporal correlations of matrices?

I have a some data like the following explaining the presence of a relation between various entities (A,B,C,...) in my system at time ...
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