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What are the right metrics to validate the performance of a custom clustering model with three possible outcomes?

I have developed a custom clustering model on top of MiniBatchKmeans, that has three possible outcomes for each data point: Assign the point to the correct cluster. Assign the point to the wrong ...
Sanjay Mythili's user avatar
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Model based clustering equivalent to K means?

Is it OK to say something like this: "A model-based clustering with a hard threshold is equivalent to a k means clustering"? One of my instructors stated this in his slides, I kind of doubt ...
Zhili Qiao's user avatar
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Identifying inflexion point in elbow method (cluster analysis)

I am looking for the optimal number of clusters to conduct a cluster analysis and used the following code to determine it: ...
Catarina Toscano's user avatar
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Clustering Highly Skewed and Segmented Data

So I am trying to cluster a dataset that looks like the following: I have tried K-Means and GMM, which give me horrible results. I have tried DBSCAN, which was okay, but it is difficult to choose the ...
The Dude's user avatar
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Can clustering with Gaussian mixture models be done based on cosine similarity?

Apologies if this has already been answered; I found some similar posts (here and here) but don't feel they answered the specific question I have. Please feel free to correct any misunderstandings in ...
phamilton's user avatar
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Best Clustering Technique for Probability Scores

I have a data which which have 17 variables i.e. 17-Dimension data. The Data is a result of Max-Diff exercise which is performed for ranking these 17 attributes and have comparative preference/...
Dileep Vishwakarma's user avatar
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Clustering based on distance measure violating triangle inequality

Suppose I have a set of categorical data $X=\{x_1,x_2,\cdots, x_n\}$, (in my case $n =~ 10,000-50,000$) as well as a precomputed "distance" measure $g(x_i,x_j)$ (in my case I just have an array of ...
Benjamin Horowitz's user avatar
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Feature selection in clustering

I am looking for a method for feature selection in Gaussian Mixture Models. I have a dataset with 2000 records and 40 variables. I tried to use the "clustvarsel" package in R, which use the BIC as ...
Fabio's user avatar
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Unnatural clustering with known clusters shapes and optimization criteria

My question is similar to this question Clustering with shape prior, but with additional information. The second answer suggests a mixture model approach to this problem, which is something like ...
NGInd's user avatar
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Clustering groups that have replicated measures: hierarchical clustering on group-average VS regression tree

I measured 2 continous dependent variables (V1 and V2) on 10 occasions (10 replicates) for each of 4 groups. I aim to cluster my groups. i.e. I dont want to cluster replicates, since this could mix ...
Pierre's user avatar
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