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2 answers

Developing Risk Scores from Cox Regression model?

A simple question on the development of risk prediction models from Cox regressions. Suppose, as an example, that I want to create a risk score for 1-year mortality in patients with cardiovascular ...
user89547235's user avatar
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Comparing non-nested Cox models: AIC & Partial likelihood test?

I'm doing survival Cox PH analyses and want to understand how an important continuous variable impacts time-to-event (model1). This important variable is frequently ...
Titorelli's user avatar
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Cox regression assessing joint relationship between baseline groups? JAMA example

I'm a new R user trying to better understand the analytical framework behind an important JAMA paper (doi:10.1001/jama.291.2.210) and how it can be coded in R. It's objective was to evaluate if, in ...
Titorelli's user avatar
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Cox proportional hazards with left-censored time-dependent covariates

I'm doing statistical analysis on a cancer study. My specific dataset contains id, various co-variates such as age, sex, metastatic burden, etc. and time to event data for overall survival I want to ...
Luke's user avatar
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Should I use Cox model?

In a study of crowdfunding, I am investigating the relationship between the reputation of a person seeking funding for a project (a continuous variable) and the proportion of funding target received (...
SanMelkote's user avatar
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Cox Regression and Linkage Disequilibrium

I'm trying to figure out the best way to account for linkage disequilibrium in a cox regression, and would really appreciate your advice. I'm testing the effect of a particular allele on overall ...
krc3004's user avatar
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How does Cox regression estimate time to an event?

In R and Python, Cox regression is specified with duration and event as the dependent variables. However, Cox regression is said ...
Jane Wayne's user avatar
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What could be the reasons for why re-scaling variables used in regression helps model performance?

There's already an excellent post on standardizing values used for regression here. In this post, I am using Cox Regression (Cox Proportional Hazard model) with the lifelines Python library. Now, one ...
Jane Wayne's user avatar
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Determine where hazards starts to increase for a continuous variable

I'm interested in a continuous variable, namely blood pressure. The higher the blood pressure, the greater the risk of heart attack and stroke. However, studies frequently report that also low blood ...
Adam Robinsson's user avatar
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Cox regression to see if distribution of disease predicts survival

I'm working with clinical data from a few hundred patients. Every patient was measured at 6 different timepoints with regular intervals. Each patient is assessed on 3 different domains and given a ...
user46180's user avatar