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DIfference between hazard ratio and partial hazard in survival analysis

The hazard function in survival analysis is represented as ( Here the exponential term is termed as hazard ratio as ...
NN_Developer's user avatar
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Logic to caluclate shape and scale parameter in survival analysis

I have the below dataset: ...
NN_Developer's user avatar
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Obtain the survival function plot by building an overall survival regression model

I need to build an overall survival regression model that can show the survival plots for id's with multiple rows. I have used the Weibull function to define the baseline hazard function h0(t) and Cox ...
NN_Developer's user avatar
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Need help to simulate Survival Times with a time-varying Covariate

I would really appreciate if someone can help me figure this out as I have been working on it for few days now and I don't know what I'm missing that it's not working. Basically, my goal is to sample ...
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