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Likelihood, posterior, prior interpretation and credibility/confidence_level with bayesian/frequentist approaches

This question was originally posted on physics exchange but one advised me to transfer it here. I try to understand the following article : testing general relativity from curvature and energy ...
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If a credible interval has a flat prior, is a 95% confidence interval equal to a 95% credible interval?

I'm very new to Bayesian statistics, and this may be a silly question. Nevertheless: Consider a credible interval with a prior that specifies a uniform distribution. For example, from 0 to 1, where 0 ...
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Numerical estimation of binomial confidence interval

I have two measurements from two different distributions. I know both of these distributions are binomial and I measure $k_1$ successes from $n_1$ trials for distribution 1 and $k_2$ successes from $...
ConstantAmateur's user avatar
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What is a Highest Density Region (HDR)?

In statistical inference, problem 9.6b, a "Highest Density Region (HDR)" is mentioned. However, I didn't find the definition of this term in the book. One similar term is the Highest Posterior ...
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