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9 votes
2 answers

Visually summarising a mess of directed line segments

I have a data set of millions of directed line segments. The line segments are sequential - it's a climatic variable (sensible heat), with observed and simulated values at half-hourly intervals. I'm ...
naught101's user avatar
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selecting the bins for extremely skewed data

I have a data that exhibits nearly a power law distribution, and I want to know a good binning technique to summarize the statistics. For example consider the following data: $$ \begin{array}{rr} \...
Rkz's user avatar
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1 answer

graphical and statistical approach to evaluate the skewness and kurtosis of a data set

In practice, we may always be asked to check the skewness and kurtosis of a data set. I have two questions. Given a probability distribution, how can we determine/evaluate the skewness and kurtosis ...
user785099's user avatar
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How to qualitatively describe distribution shapes

I have a distribution which looks a bit binomial, though with a cutoff, i.e.: $P(x) = 0$ if $x \le 0$, rises to a bell-shaped peak at around $x=0.2%$, appears to tail off exponentially until an ...
Sideshow Bob's user avatar
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What is this horizontal point & confidence graph called?

From page 166 of the Open Intro to Stats, what is this type of graph called? It represents 25 point estimates of a mean, together with their confidence intervals, centered around the actual population ...
Ina's user avatar
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8 votes
7 answers

Plotting confidence interval bars from summary statistics

A bit like a box plot. I mean not necessarily the standard upper confidence interval, lower confidence interval, mean, and data range-showing box plots, but I mean like a box plot with just the three ...
Josh Pinto's user avatar
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How to visually show the convergence of a process?

I have some set of measurements that I have represented as vectors $x^t$ for $t \in \{ 1, 2, ...\}$. I want to test "convergence" of the process (visually) in some sense. I thought maybe I could run ...
process's user avatar
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2 answers

Visualizing two variables which have a very similar values

I have two columns of data, and would like to show their differences through the visualization approach. The current issue is that these two columns are in-fact very close to each other. In other ...
user3269's user avatar
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How to best represent median proportions using stacked bar charts?

I have a large dataset with several responses about an organization's labour costs. I would like to represent this data graphically. Typically what we do is provide a stacked bar chart (using R) of ...
Stephen's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Panel-data exploratory data analysis

I have a dataset for around 40k firms over fiscal years 1950-2011 with about 430k firm-years. If I'm not mistaken I have panel-data. In addition, the firms are nested within 9 industries. I created a ...
Raynor's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Panel data descriptives, plots and 'feel for the data'

I have a dataset for around 40k firms over fiscal years 1950-2011 with about 430k firm-years. If I'm not mistaken I have panel data. I created a unique identifier ...
Raynor's user avatar
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4 answers

Visualise and interpret large set of univariate skewed data

I am trying to find out answer for this simple question. I have data (list of numbers). I have 20000 numbers. smallest number is 100 and largest is 15000. I want to interpret this data, how it is ...
Rajiv's user avatar
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57 votes
9 answers

Modern successor to Exploratory Data Analysis by Tukey?

I've been reading Tukey's book "Exploratory Data Analysis". Being written in 1977, the book emphasizes paper/pencil methods. Is there a more 'modern' successor which takes into account that we can ...
6 votes
2 answers

What descriptive statistics should be reported in tables and graphs when using Friedman's nonparametric test?

I'm using Friedman's nonparametric tests for repeated measures for my thesis (I tried transformations on all variables first but data was still highly skewed) and had 2 questions: What are the best ...
clairec's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

How to graph quantitative and qualitative improvement in human health related measures?

I'm creating an app that logs daily data from my users. Data includes: waist circumference, weight (Quantitative data) certain conditions like psoriasis, migraines, fatigue (Qualitative data rated ...
Daniyal's user avatar
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1 answer

Charting errors based on number of items per month

I'm a complete noob when it comes to statistics, so please excuse my lack of standard terminology. I think my question might be related to normalization, but please re-tag if I'm wrong. I'm a ...
Lizzan's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Alternatives to using Coefficient of Variation to summarize a set of parameter distributions?

Background I have a model with 17 parameters, and I currently use the coefficient of variation ($\text{CV}=\sigma/\mu$) to summarize the prior and posterior distributions of each parameter. All of ...
David LeBauer's user avatar
39 votes
8 answers

Graphical data overview (summary) function in R

I'm sure I've come across a function like this in an R package before, but after extensive Googling I can't seem to find it anywhere. The function I'm thinking of produced a graphical summary for a ...
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