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Questions tagged [double-blind]

A double blind study is one in which neither the researchers nor the subjects know which treatment or condition is given to which subject.

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6 votes
2 answers

Double Blind Studies & Confounders

I'm currently reading The Book of Why, and on pg 147-149 it talks about double blind RCT being very highly regarded in experiments, especially in the way it address confounders. In theory, I can ...
ron burgundy's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to specify a risk model?

I'm reading this article. The authors indicated that for a random sample of 12 characteristics and 3600 patients affected in two arms (control and treatment arm), they fitted a risk model consisting ...
Ph.D.Student's user avatar
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In the specific context of baseline traits of study participants (see ref.), what is p value? What's being tested and is it pointless? meaningful?

(If answering, please assume readers already have a basic understanding of what p is in general.) The is it pointless part of this question seems to be YES; that part of the question is similar to, ...
user1521620's user avatar
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Design of a triangular test (or 2-out-of-5) when there is intra-group variability of samples

I would like to submit to an expert group a set of images from two genetically different types of plants to see if they can find a difference. I have 20 images for each of the two types. Images are ...
Sébastien Rochette's user avatar
2 votes
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Can I reuse the dataset set aside for performing t-test based on the following condition?

I have a small number of samples and large number features. For doing the feature selection I'm going to divide my total set into a feature selection set and a test set.I run the t-test on the former ...
Theoden's user avatar
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