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what is the standard error for hypothesis testing of two proportions using a z-test?

Let's say we are evaluating two algorithms. Algorithm 1 gets p1 = 80% conversion Algorithm 2 gets p2 = 85% conversion The two sample sizes are ...
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Pooled variance for post hoc tests for contingency table $\chi^{2}$ tests

The 2-by-2 contingency table test provides an alternate hypothesis testing approach to the $z$ test for proportion difference. Conveniently enough, a 2-by-k contingency table test provides an omnibus ...
Alexis's user avatar
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Two-Sample Hypothesis Test for Difference Between Two Proportions: Pooled vs Unpooled? How to Choose?

When are you supposed to use the pooled formula vs the unpooled formula? My understanding is that you use the pooled formula when testing a hypothesis where the null hypothesis is $H_0 = 0$ and the ...
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How to make a one-sided test for proportion in R

I've to make some tests for proportions in R because of some A/B duties. I know that given s1, sc the number of success of two samples and n1, nc the total number of experiments, I can do this for H0: ...
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