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Questions about a k-means variant : recompute centroids after each point is reasigned

I have a variant of k-means, where the points are reassigned incrementally and I have a few questions about it. Each time we reassign a point (we move the point from cluster $C_1 $to $C_2$), we ...
azenor23's user avatar
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Difference between Hartigan & Wong Algo to Lloyd's algorithm in K-means clustering

In the iterations of Hartigan and Wong Algo of K-Means clustering, If the centroid is updated in the last step, for each data point included, the within- cluster sum of squares for each data point if ...
Arpit Sisodia's user avatar
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Are there any algorithms that give global optimum for K-Means?

The performance function of K-Means is minimum distance form the observations to the centroid of the closet cluster. For ideal solution we must find the real centroid of each cluster, but in ordinary ...
Mum Tanawat Limungkura's user avatar
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K-mean++ initialization algorithm alternative

I got this question as an exercise, and I frankly don't know where to begin: Consider the deterministic variant of the k−means++ algorithm where the set of initial centroids are selected in the ...
renaud's user avatar
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