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R - high dimension data using k means clustering [closed]

The dataset is 1000(observations) x 700(variables), After using pca to do dimension reduction, PC150 explained 85% Variance, so I use this (1000 x 150) data to do k means clustering. This code was ...
Rufus7's user avatar
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How can I interpret the results of R kmeans function?

I have a large set of data containing the description for 81432 images. These descriptions are generated by an image descriptor which generates a vector (for each image) with 127 positions. So, I have ...
Victor Leal's user avatar
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Market / Customer Segmentation - Merging two different segmentations

I have a database where each observation is a person. They were questioned on their attitude towards the consumption of X category of product. I have being using K-means to segment this data. I have ...
JEquihua's user avatar
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K - means cluster always landing right on top of whole dataset mean

I have a so so sized data set - 30 000 observations. I would like to run K-means on them but to restrict the center(mean) of the data. This is, I would like to push the clusters away from this mean. ...
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