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End-Tokens are Required to make Ngram Models Proper

The standard bigram model, (for example defined here) defines a probability distribution over a corpus $V$ based on the following principles: The marginal probability of a word $w$ is defined as its ...
olives's user avatar
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Normalize probability distribution by variance of each class

I have several topics that I will collect language data for. Using Mturk I will ask responders to write sentences for each topic. The sentences will be used to train a language model. Language models ...
aberger's user avatar
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n-gram language model

At the end of the introduction of A Neural Probabilistic Language Model (Bengio et al. 2003), the following example is given: Having seen the sentence ...
Antoine's user avatar
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Curse of dimensionality with language models

In the seminal paper A Neural Probabilistic Language Model, Yoshua Bengio and his colleagues make the following point: If one wants to model the joint probability distribution of 10 consecutive ...
Antoine's user avatar
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Language modeling: why is adding up to 1 so important?

In many natural language processing applications such as spelling correction, machine translation and speech recognition, we use language models. Language models are created usually by counting how ...
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