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Residuals in LME models

Good morning everyone! I have implemented the following lme model in r: ...
Bibi's user avatar
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Full dataset with few repeated measures

I am dealing with a dataset with the majority of entries with one value per individual but, with three cases with 2 repeated measures each. My first approach would be to pursue linear mixed models, to ...
André Barros's user avatar
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Corr of random-effects when a cross-level interaction in lme4

I had a quick question. I have a cross-level interaction in my model below (ses*sector). My cluster-level predictor ...
rnorouzian's user avatar
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Interpreting the statistical model implied by an lmer formula for mixed effect modelling

Consider the scenario in which a dataset has two grouping variables (say group 1 and group 2), and a time variable $x$. I would like to understand the difference between the following two models: <...
WeakLearner's user avatar
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Why significant predictors are different for two highly correlated dependent variables?

I am using linear mixed-effects (LME) models to investigate the longitudinal effects of maternal factors on infant adiposity indices. Infant adiposity was measured at 3-time points (birth, 3 months ...
Prabha's user avatar
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Linear Mixed Model for evaluation of students

My dataset about students (n=74) contains one outcome variable (exam points/integer) and eight predictor variables: 2 categorical: gender [F,M] study years [1,2,3] 6 continuous variables: age [in ...
sandrabee's user avatar