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When using repeated-measures ANOVA in R, what does it mean to specify Error(subject) instead of Error(subject/(A*B))?

For a two-way repeated measures design, we can specify the model using aov in the following fashion: ...
Alex's user avatar
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Syntax differences between aov and lmer for two-way repeated measures design

I'm working with the following data frame using R. It consists of measurements obtained from 7 subjects with two independent variables (IV1 and ...
user3050269's user avatar
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Testing for differences between time series with many timepoints

I think the easiest way to describe my question is with plots. I've run an experiment where I recorded data from animals' brains (EEG) at 6 depths. The animals are recorded at baseline for 25 minutes,...
andrew.stanford's user avatar
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Denominator df's depending on random structure in a mixed effects model - how to report them?

In my current research I'm using linear mixed effects models to explain reaction time data from a repeated measure design. When testing different models for best fit I checked various random ...
blazej's user avatar
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3-way repeated measures ANOVA with nlme::lme assuming compound symmetry

For teaching purposes I want to show the similarity between a 3-way repeated measures ANOVA aov(y ~ A*B*C + Error(Subject/(A*B*C)), data) and the corresponding lmm ...
statmerkur's user avatar
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Difference in post-hoc tests for repeated measures ANOVA and linear mixed model

I have noticed a difference in post-hoc results produced from a repeated-measures ANOVA and a linear mixed model. Here is reproducible code: ...
us-merul's user avatar
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repeated measures four-way Anova lmer or ezAnova?

can anyone help me to figure out what is the best way to run 4-way repeated measures ANOVA? I have four within-subject factors: Block, Reward, Congruency, and quan (quartiles). In addition, there a ...
MariKo's user avatar
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How to conduct post hoc paired comparisons for mixed effects model?

I am working with some biological data where I am trying to compare 5 categories of genes by expression which occur at different loci (locations on the chromosomes). I have samples from different ...
Merry's user avatar
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Within-subjects ANOVA with lme and multiple fixed variables

I am looking at the relationship between age and DNA methylation in teeth samples. We collected three tissues from every tooth (dentin, cementum and pulp), but were unable to get measurements from ...
I. Smeers's user avatar
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What is the equivalent of a repeated ANOVA using a mixed effect model with lme?

I have a data frame with this structure: ...
Bakaburg's user avatar
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LMER returns errors, but Repeated Measures ANOVA on the same data doesn't, why?

everyone! So, I've been trying to fit a LMER for my data, which I fully described in this post . This post, therefore, is a follow-up from the previous one. There's something intriguing me, I don't ...
Larissa Cury's user avatar
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Mixed model instead of RM anova?

I have data points collected at 4 time points for $N$ subjects. I need to understand if there is a difference in mean readings at these 4 time points, and also if age and gender influence these mean ...
nikarj's user avatar
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