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Custom contrasts in piecewise mixed effects models

I have longitudinal data from a two-group RCT in which the primary outcome was assessed at baseline, each week during the intervention, post-test and 5-month follow-up (6 times total). I am modeling ...
yeshe's user avatar
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Three-level variable in LME analysis - output

I am currently unsure about a three-level variable in an linear mixed effects analysis in R (lme4) - I should add that I am new to LMEs and would very much appreciate some very basic advice! I am ...
Jane's user avatar
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planned contrast with **emmeans** on interaction term in mixed model

I think this is simple: I want to test if a treatment (that I know a priori does something) is stronger in one group vs. the other (in the presence of random effects). This seems like it should be ...
Michael Roswell's user avatar
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Linear mixed model: Setting custom contrasts for interactions and main effects with glht in R

I am currently learning statistics with R, and I am a bit confused about how to set custom contrasts for interaction effects. I tried removing the intercept from my model: ...
R. Bench's user avatar
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How to examine interactions between factor and covariate in a mixed effects model?

I have 2 factors A and B (5×3) and one covariate X in a within subject design. Here's ...
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