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Checking assumptions in linear mixed effect model with binary predictor, continuous output

I have a linear mixed effect model I am fitting using lmer: ...
BeginnersMindTruly's user avatar
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Why are residuals correlated with prediction when using linear mixed model with low number of observations per group?

I have a database composed of n = 1000 observations of a variable to explain (y), an explanatory variable (x). The observations are grouped according to a variable "group", and I have only ...
MatthieuC's user avatar
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Model diagnosis in GLMM model of binary outcome variable

I am trying to do a research article on morbidity, which is categorical, i.e., yes or no. I also consider fixed and random effects, given that all of the fixed effect covariates are categorical. Here ...
Sofonias Derso's user avatar
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Multilevel modelling in R longitudinal data

I have data from a daily diary study of participants nested in couples. To analyse the data I used lme4 to do multilevel modelling in R to create my models. After doing this I wanted to check if the ...
Emma's user avatar
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Resid vs Fitted plot for similar data on lme4 model looks vastly different on similar data. Error: "boundary (singular) fit: see help('isSingular')"

Forgive me if I am missing important information this is my first time posting here. I am trying to build a mixed model to see effects of a management treatment (gridtype) on body condition of certain ...
Cozette Romero's user avatar
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Kruskal Wallis Test with Random Effect?

I am trying to analyse the effect of season (autumn or summer) on frog sperm cell concentration (continuous, expressed as cells/ml). Because I don't know if there is an effect of male variation I want ...
Darcie's user avatar
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County-level fixed effect model - how to improve the predictive power

I'm doing a linear regression in the hopes of developing a predictive model for fatal drug overdoses at the county level. My data looks like this (note, pc=per-capita), there are 504 total ...
DiamondJoe12's user avatar
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Strange residuals vs. fitted values plot for linear mixed model / hierarchical model

I have read a couple of related questions and their answers, but nothing really fits to my specific case. I have a model like this: ...
Mika2019's user avatar
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Residuals in LME models

Good morning everyone! I have implemented the following lme model in r: ...
Bibi's user avatar
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Linear mixed effects model: what to do with non-normal residuals?

I am a beginner to mixed effect models and new to this forum so please let me know if I provided the wrong or not enough information. I saw there were some questions earlier about non-normal residuals ...
Helena_st's user avatar
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Testing the spatiale autocorrelation on the residuals of the mixed-effect logistic regression

I have temporal blocks in my data frame, so I took the effect of time dependency through a random intercept in a glmer model. Now I want to test the spatial autocorrelation in the residuals but I’m ...
user1988's user avatar
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Linear mixed model dependent variable transformation - is this appropriate

I have basically measured a skin conductance over an experiment. Now my dependent variable is the skin conductance at the time of an event. There are several events (scenario) during the experiment. I ...
timothy's user avatar
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Can I validate a residual plot although it has residual patterns if I am not interested in model's coefficients using `lme4::glmer()`?

I am studying how well I can predict the height above ground (km) of an animal (=bird) using a technique (method B) which samples data every certain time-intervals. ...
Dekike's user avatar
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glmer with gamma distribution - problem fitting model

I am trying to fit the gamma distribution to my data as the residuals are not normally distributed but it has been much more difficult than I anticipated. The dependent variable is response times and ...
CatM's user avatar
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Zero-inflated mixed models and negative trend in residuals

I am trying to fit a mixed model in lme4 using the lmer. the model form is: model<- lmer(entropy ~ X1 * X2 + (1| video) + (1| subject), REML = FALSE entropy ...
Myriad's user avatar
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Does nlmer() from lme4 assume normal distribution of residuals and random effects?

I am currently reading this paper , according to which Linear mixed-effects (LME) (Laird & H.Ware, 1982) and nonlinear mixed-effects (NLME) models (Pinheiro & Bates, 2000) are ...
rainbowmiha's user avatar
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LME residual plot returns a huge linear block of residual points

The publicly available data I used I addressed the unbalanced followup visits by transforming the visit time to the nearest multiple of 8 then ...
j681's user avatar
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Mixed models with lmer: Residual diagnostics

I fitted a linear mixed model as follows: fit=lmer( ~ borrower.Gender+ borrowing.Amount + (1|borrower.Country) + (1|borrowing.Sector)) The ...
SanMelkote's user avatar
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Interpretation of relationship between residuals and predicted values in a mixed model

I'm using a linear mixed effects model (varying slope + intercept, with glmer from "lme4") to look at the association of the interaction between two categorical predictors (time + X1 - where X1 is a ...
Ahmed's user avatar
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types of residuals in nlme

I am using the R package nlme to perform a repeated measure analysis. The model call is ...
Giorgio Spedicato's user avatar
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Gamm residuals patterns: temporal and spatial

I'm trying to fit a GAMM model with this dataset, which can be downloaded here: . The dataset consists of 60 pixels sampled in two different areas: BAR and MON, 30 for each one. ...
Kol Rocket's user avatar
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Strong linear pattern in residuals of random intercept model (simulated unbalanced data)

I am working with an unbalanced data set where most subjects have only 1 observation, but many have >1. When I fit a linear mixed model to these data (random intercept), there is a strong pattern in ...
Dave M's user avatar
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Non-Normal 'Clustered-looking' Residual Plot Interpretation and Fix in Mixed Model

I have linear mixed effects model looking at EEG recordings hourly for 6 hours over 3 conditions (and each subject undergoes each condition) with N=12 animals. I am using lmer in lme4. Model: ...
Kev's user avatar
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Binned residual plot not good - what to do now?

I'm using lme4 package to run a mixed-effects logistic regression. I have a glmer model, and to assess its goodness of fit I created the binned residual plot. Unfortunately, 95% of the bins are not ...
Berna Uzundağ's user avatar
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Unusual residual plot of mixed effects model fitted with lme in R (zero-inflated DV?)

I ran a mixed effect model in R by using lme() to analyze the following data (an excerpt is shown in the following): ...
JNWHH's user avatar
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Residual pattern in mixed model

EDITED In my master thesis, I'm investigating how the rating of the participants face recognition skill over a period of time of training. There are 15 sessions in total and each session there are 15 ...
Tony's user avatar
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What to do with a lmer model that violates the assumptions of normal residuals?

I have the following lmer model: ...
JeanDrayton's user avatar
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Heteroscedasticity and bias shown in residual plots, lme

I have been fitting a linear mixed-effect model. The residual plots are not desirable. I have found many posts telling me the first is heteroscedastic, and the second is biased. But I can't find info ...
lilkaskitc's user avatar
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Non-normality of residuals in a negative binomial GLMM

I am testing for the effect of treatment and fish length on the school size of fish. Treatment is a categorical variable with two levels (e.g., treatment A & treatment B). Fish length is ...
Reginald Fairfield's user avatar
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How do I identify a particular residual from a mixed-effects model in R?

Here's a plot of my residuals from a mixed-effects model in R (using lme4). There's one 'outlying' residual with a value of around 35 (index circa 90) that seems anomalous. I don't know if it has any ...
lithic's user avatar
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Complex level 1 variance mixed effects models in R

Take this mixed effects model in R: $y_i = \beta_0 + \beta_1X_{ij} + u_{j} + e_{ij}$ where $u$ is a random effect (level 2 residual) with groups $j$. It is possible to allow the variance of $e_{ij}$ ...
luciano's user avatar
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Use predicted values with or without random part to plot Residuals with binnedplot of a logistic regression in glmer (lme4 package) in R?

Which binnedplot of the glmer should I use to check the model? The residuals against the predicted values without random part(REform=NA) or residuals against the predicted values with random part(...
user41906's user avatar
10 votes
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How to deal with very s-shaped qq plot in a linear mixed model (lme4 1.0.4)?

I have a dataset in which I have measured a variable (diff) on 38 participants (sub) in two different conditions (...
Henrik's user avatar
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