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3 answers

What statistic best estimates the sample mean in case of missing data in a distribution?

I have samples of particles and am interested in the particle lengths. The problem is that the samples are assessed using image analysis. As the particles overlap, the measurements are incomplete and ...
Buck Thorn's user avatar
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Estimation of a uniform distribution corrupted by Gaussian noise

Problem definition I have a dataset composed by $m$ observations $y^{(1)},\dots,y^{(m)} \in \mathbb{R}^2$ generated as follow \begin{equation*}\begin{aligned} y &= z + v \newline z & \sim\...
matteogost's user avatar
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Is modeling the extreme value of a distribution a basic probability result?

I was reading briefly about the field of EVT - extreme value theory, and the associated distributions that arise from modeling the maximum of a finite sample. It's not quite clear to me the nature of ...
AdamO's user avatar
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Is there any intuitive explanation for MoM in estimating parameters?

I found from some literature that when we use the method of moments to fit the Gumbel distribution, the estimated (On page 24) A comparison of the variance formulas in (1.66) with the CramBr-Rao ...
Hermi's user avatar
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Estimation of the density at the bound of the support of a real random variable

Let $X$ be a random variable with real values and with density $f$. Assume the support $f$ is bounded with supremum $m$ and has a positive value at that supremum: $$\forall x > m, f(x) = 0 \text{ ...
Pohoua's user avatar
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MLE for the number of samples given $k$ largest values

I have the views on the top 100 videos using a tag in TikTok and want to estimate the total number of videos in that tag. I know the distribution for other tags so I can make a guess as to what it is ...
Xodarap's user avatar
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Estimating the min and max of a distribution

I have a measurement problem where I am attempting to measure the minimum and maximum height of a surface by taking point samples of heights. If I then look at the distribution of all height values, ...
Dan Bryant's user avatar
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Estimating max value from statistical data

Assuming that you have the following values for a data set: Median Mean First quartile Third quartile Standard deviation Number of elements Minimum value , would it be possible to somewhat ...
burner888's user avatar
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Finding mode using mean and skewness (and higher moments)?

I have a pdf that doesn't yield trivial derivatives, so I cannot differentiate it and find the root to determine where its max exactly occurs. However, I have a general formula to express all its ...
Paul Cwave's user avatar
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Maximise the probability of a linear combination of random variables

I have a data set representing a random vector $\mathbf{X}=(X_1,\ldots, X_p)'$. Define $Z=\alpha' X $, where $\alpha \in \mathbb{R}^p$ and $\alpha'\mathbf{1}_p =1$. I would like to find the $\alpha$ ...
antonio's user avatar
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Likelihood for dependent data above a threshold

Let $(Y_t)$ a real-valued stationary Markov chain and $u$ some positive threshold. We assume that for $y>u$, $$Y_{t+1}|\{Y_t=y\}\sim\mathcal{N}(\alpha y+\mu y^\beta,\sigma^2 y^{2\beta})$$ I want ...
Augustin's user avatar
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R - MLE of modified Champernowne density

I've come across an article (, in which author wrote about maximum likelihood estimates of parameters in the so called modified Champernowne ...
user2280549's user avatar
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Estimating costs with extreme values

I am trying to estimate health care costs and I was wondering what the standard practice is for extreme values? By extreme values I mean I have a large portion of my costs being zero and a small ...
RDizzl3's user avatar
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Name for the special estimate of the mean

During my masters studies, I heard about the following estimate of the mean: We take the minimal and the maximal value from sample and simply average them out. Does this estimate have any name? And ...
sitems's user avatar
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Expected maximum given population size, mean, and variance

How would one estimate the maximum given population size, a few moments, and perhaps some additional assumption on the distribution? Something like "I'm going to do $N_s≫1$ measurements out of ...
Michael's user avatar
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Quantile extrapolation?

Suppose you wanted to estimate the $q$ quantile of a distribution by observing $n$ independent draws from that distribution, but with $q < \frac{1}{n}$. What methods are available, and for what ...
shabbychef's user avatar