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Can I "discard" p-values from my linear mixed model?

I have a linear mixed effects model as follows in R: = lmer(value ~ group * category * time + (1|patient), data=modeldata) anova( then gives me ...
jwnkim's user avatar
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How to test for statistical significance with multiple visits and technical replicates?

I have a data set with 100 columns that's divided between 40 normal columns and 60 MI columns. Samples from each patient were taken at two separate visits, and each sample has two technical ...
Alonso23's user avatar
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Setting up contrasts in lmer?

0 I have 139 subjects (ID), with measurements taken at two time points (Time1, Time2), at 148 brain regions, a dependent measure called volume, and a covariate called thickness. Each subject has 148 ...
Sheraz's user avatar
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Significance of the control predictors in a non-significant full-null model comparison (mixed model)

The situation: A, B, C, and D are fixed effects, and <...
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