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Hierarchy predictive top down approach

I'm having a problem with using a hierarchical top down forecasting approach. According to my understanding, when I split an aggregated value on the levels below it, I have to know the percentages ...
DP78's user avatar
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Parafac for crossover design studies

.Hi, everybody I have data that has 28 subjects involved in a crossover design study including 4 different treatments. The amount of variables is over 10000 (measured almost on the same scale) In ...
Kirill's user avatar
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can you analytically solve this bayesian hierarchical model - bernoulli trials

Is it possible to analytically solve (i.e., use a conjugate prior) the hierarchical model shown in the image below to obtain the posterior distribution. The data are composed of bernouli trials ...
captain_ahab's user avatar
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imbalance in sample size at multilevel longitudinal data

I have longitudinal data (BMI level) measured at 3 time points and subjects are students nested to schools. The sample size in school level differs considerably (n=85 % in school 1, n=10 % in school ...
Alph's user avatar
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Discrepancy between hierarchical top level time series and direct sums - using package hts

I have an xls file with sales data from 12 shops, each selling two types of goods. If I read in the xls file and sum up sales for each month (ignoring the two types of goods and just looking at the ...
SiKiHe's user avatar
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Question about notation of expectation operators over multiple random processes

My question is what are suitable or accepted notations for taking expectations over multiple random processes in the same equation. Let a model for variable $y$ be given by $$y_{i \alpha}=\mu_i+\...
tomka's user avatar
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SEM vs. Hierarchical Regression

I am comparing the outcomes of my model analysis using PLS and hierarchical regression (HR). On SPSS (for HR), I'm using (mean or summative) scores. On Smart-PLS, when I enter my variables as computed ...
codella's user avatar
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Is my nested random-effect model non-hierarchical?

I have a problem with model structure because of the way factors are nested in a potentially non-hierarchical way. I'm not sure if I fully understand the issue but I can't find a way to specify the ...
Amorphia's user avatar
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Explaining why the slope varies in varying slope model?

When I fit a multilevel varying slope model, it is easy to summarize the variation in slope. However, I have not yet seen any materials that discusses how to explain such variation (i.e. what about ...
Heisenberg's user avatar
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Some doubts about using time random effect

I'm starting with lme4 and GLMM. Maybe this question can be basic for experimented researchers, but I'm still learning. I have a pooled data where every ...
Tappin73's user avatar
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Need help setting up multilevel logistic regression

I am trying to see the effect of a certain intervention in schools. The outcome variable is binary. We have students within schools. Also students' age is a covariate (doesn't changed before and after ...
Brian's user avatar
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Q: plot glmm fixed and random effects (glmer in package lme4) using ggplot2

I am trying to visualize the results from a glmm that I ran with the lme4 package. ...
LiveLongandProsper's user avatar
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Calculating random effects from a glmerMod object (r package lme4)

Using the lme4 package, how does ranef() calculate (or extract) estimates of random effects from a ...
filups21's user avatar
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power/sample size for a complex set of equations

I run an experiment in which several teams perform several tasks each (not all teams perform all tasks, but in general, I can make sure that enough teams perform any given task, and that each team ...
amit's user avatar
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Can someone help me read this hierarchical regression table?

What do all the symbols mean? ...
lina's user avatar
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Inconsistent Z-scores from multiple comparisons of factors in glmmadmb models

First time poster, long time desperate reader. This place has been so helpful that I can usually find that someone has had the same problem as myself and had it answered here. However, I haven't found ...
Nava's user avatar
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GLMM: choosing appropriate distribution through residual tests?

I have a repeated measures design: a continuous dependent variable (measure), two fixed variables (treatments) and random effects (subjects). The dependent variable is not normal and the distribution ...
Scientist's user avatar
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Hierarchical logistic regression package in R

I'm working on a logistic regression model; the purpose of the analysis is to identify factors that influence use of an app - the DV being use/no use, and IVs being a couple of numerical and ...
user290071's user avatar
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GLMM with non integer proportion?

I would need some help analyzing data that I'm not sure how to analyze. I tested ten times fifteen subjects in three different experimental conditions and my goal is to compare their behaviors between ...
CC_05_2018's user avatar
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Multilevel modelling - using variables with different number of trials

I would like to know whether it is possible to do multilevel modelling with variables that have different number of trials. To be more specific, let's say we have x(a), y(a), x(b), y(b) variables. x(...
User33268's user avatar
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Binary prediction with time serial and dummys

I have this data set. I have 4 individuos, Y binary dependent variable. I want calculate (prediction) the probability of sale of the car d (?%), in the years 2001, 2002, 2003. The variables ...
Francisco Gonzalez's user avatar
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Graph looks like there is a significant effect but my mixed effect model indicates no significant effect

Hi I would like to clarify if it's possible to have no significant effects on the glmm model although when you plot the count data it looks like there is a significant difference? I fitted a GLMM on ...
minke's user avatar
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Hierarchical linear regression analyses, but with logarithms?

I was ask to do a linear regression analyses of my variables. I have Reaction times. Can you recommend me a linear regression analysis (hierarchical?) and tell me whether I should transform my raw ...
Yacila's user avatar
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