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ANOVA with missing cells and multi-level analysis

I'm about to analyse some data (hypothesis testing) and would like some feedback on my approach as I have never seen this situation (missing cells in an ANOVA-like table). I would also like to know if ...
fffrost's user avatar
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Hypotheses check with mixed ANOVA, ANCOVA, regression or multilevel linear model?

I conducted a repeated-measures experiment and obtained for each subject the following data: ...
quest10nR's user avatar
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What kind of test do I use for comparing groups that are themselves groups?

I'm sorry if this question is vague: I don't yet understand stats terminology very well. Let's say I am interested in a measurement X. Imagine it is neuron diameter. I want to know if brain regions ...
startle_response's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Correlation or difference? appropriate test for variables with different units?

In a comparative study on human motion and perception in both reality and virtual reality, I am examining differences and relations between specific entities. In two separate experiments, TTG ...
Aliakbar Ahmadi's user avatar