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Is using a mixed model with random intercept and random slope appropriate for this problem?

I have a dataset with customer reviews of products and product features. Each customer reviews multiple products, but customers don't necessarily review the same products. The products are similar, ...
Melanie's user avatar
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testing significance of random effects

I have a random effects model and I want to test whether they are significant or not. I'm using statsmodels.formula.api. I read I need to test whether the variance for a parameter is 0, but can't ...
Melanie's user avatar
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How to compare the fit of two multilevel models which only differ in their fixed effects?

I have two models looking like this, where just the fixed effects differ, but the random effects stay the same ...
Bila's user avatar
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ICC vs Repeated Measures ANOVA to Justify Multilevel Model

I have heard of using ICCs to determine if there is variability to justify using a multilevel (i.e., mixed effects, hierarchical) model. However, I've recently seen studies examine whether there is a ...
ftPzTQY's user avatar
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How to calculate "by hand" between group variance and the ICC for a three-level hierarchical model?

Introduction: This question is related to this and this questions that were answered before, but I would like a more detailed answer on how between-groups variance are calculated in a (null) three-...
Socrates's user avatar
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ANOVA with missing cells and multi-level analysis

I'm about to analyse some data (hypothesis testing) and would like some feedback on my approach as I have never seen this situation (missing cells in an ANOVA-like table). I would also like to know if ...
fffrost's user avatar
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A figure or narrative to compare multi-level models and fixed-effects ANOVAs

TL;DR: What figure or narrative can represent a fixed-effect ANOVA if we represent $complete~pooling$, $no~pooling$, and multi-level (partial pooling) models using the following figures (and ...
rnorouzian's user avatar
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Best Linear Predictors for two-way nested classification model

1. Summarize the problem How can I make predictions for the random effects in a two-way nested ANOVA with unbalanced data? Given the model for the two-way classification $y_{ijk} = \mu + \alpha_j + ...
Toby's user avatar
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Two groups measured twice - which strategy is correct?

I could need some help on how to choose the correct way to analyze the data I have collected. I conducted an experiment with two groups (control condition vs. experimental condition). The continuous ...
Katharina B.-N.'s user avatar
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ANOVA over time but not repeated measures

I have an experiment that was incorrectly designed. I'm trying to see what analysis I should provide, but I'm a little confused. A brief description of the experiment: Rats were given one of four ...
Eli's user avatar
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Random Intercept Model: Will including Level 1 predictors necessarily reduce ICC?

Heck et al (2013) describe a process of building multilevel models that makes use of the concept of intraclass correlation (ICC). They recommend calculating the ICC from a random-effects ANOVA FIRST ...
user1205901 - Слава Україні's user avatar
3 votes
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Mixed model vs. n-way ANOVA for hierarchical data and proportions

I have a experimental setup (plant germination). I don't have concrete data yet. I am looking at how many plants germinate in given conditions, broken down as follows: 1) Two different temperatures. ...
Tilen's user avatar
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AIC and anova p in multilevel model, how to interpret?

I have a model with a random-nested factor, I am comparing it with a model without the random factor (to test significance of random factor) as follows: ...
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Mixed ANOVA vs. mixed models (multilevel modeling)

Is mixed ANOVA the same thing as multilevel modeling? If not, how do they differ? I am trying to compare inter- and intra-individual differences and not sure which one is the better approach.
Jodie's user avatar
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