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R: Fable - forecasting hierarchical time series with transformation

I have a hierarchical time series, with two sub-series that have significantly different behaviours. One subseries would definitely benefit from Box-Cox transformation to stabilise the variance. Is ...
Puppy of Doom's user avatar
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Forecasting many stores sales with optimal reconciliation and regression

I am forecasting many stores sales via the optimal reconciliation approach. The problem is that forecasts are not as accurate as I would like. Edit: Part of the problem is that a small subset of ...
Alex's user avatar
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Group time series examples

I am looking for group time series examples. I am working on two hierarchies and interested in interactions also. Couple of challenges I am facing I have 36 months data and many of the series has ...
Aparna's user avatar
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Is there any statistical cost to adding further levels to a time series hierarchy from a forecast perspective?

For example, when using gts() and forecast.gts() in r, should I prefer a model of product category -> product OR product category -> product -> subproduct? What does it depend on?
Matthew Moore's user avatar
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Why can't we use top-down methods in forecasting grouped time series?

As I asked in here I was trying to forecast grouped time series with two grouping variables and I find some limitation of hierarchical forecasting methods. In particular, using hts package from R, we ...
martka's user avatar
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Forecasting at individual versus grouped level

I have monthly usage data (spanning 3 years) for a customer base of around 200K, and I need to generate 1-month ahead forecasts for each of them. There are a couple of exogenous variables that would ...
garamach's user avatar
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Forecasting hierarchical time series R package

I have to forecast a large set of (hierarchical) time series and since the R package hts allows for confidence intervals for their ensemble, I'd like to use it. I haven't found an example of how to ...
Konsta's user avatar
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