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Preprocessing and model selection strategies

I am working on a fault detection problem where each sample is a time series labeled with a specific type of fault. I am using a CNN model and a validation set for hyperparameter tuning. Currently, I ...
S.H.W's user avatar
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How does highly imbalanced test data in certain splits of k-fold time-series cross-validation affect model performance?

I am working on a time-series classification (TSC) problem using k-fold time-series cross-validation (TSCV) to evaluate the performance of my models. My training data for each split is fairly balanced,...
Tov Nephesh's user avatar
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Why does GAP at the end of FCN for MTSC work?

I have a binary MTSC (Multivariate Time Series Classification) problem where i train a CNN, namely a FCN (or Fully Convolutional Network) to predict class 0 or class 1 based on a multivariate time ...
davva's user avatar
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Classification based on frequency decomposition of timeseries

I'm working on a classification problem where the dataset comprises a quote-unquote frequency profile from a timeseries. My dataset looks like this: ...
hernandezurbina's user avatar
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Time series normalization

I'm not an expert yet in the field and I have some questions. I have some data of birds and drones taken from a radar. I want to create a classifier that differentiates them. At first I'm trying and ...
Victor's user avatar
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Deep learning classification with multiple temporal data

I'm working on a project to predict the category of music segments in an audio file (represented in pianoroll format with an additional column for the corresponding class). Each row represents the ...
Tria Ufo's user avatar
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Input Tensor Shape for CNN Binary Classification of Time Series Data

I want to predict whether a machine will fail based on the most recent set of measurements taken by on-board sensors. I have several dozen machines, each with a sensor that takes a measurement at ...
Rory Majule's user avatar
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Variable Length Input: How should variable-length input data be handled during the testing stage?

I have data that is sequential. Here, I am showing a toy example of my data in the following image: I need to input the data into the model as groups of samples based on the class duration. To ...
Ahmad's user avatar
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Time Series classification problem (how to format data?)

I am working on a project where a physical test over time is conducted to decide whether an object is diagnosed as class $A$ or class $B$. Typically these tests can take around 2.5-3 hours and so each ...
User_13's user avatar
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Time series classification using 1D-CNN with different-length input

I work on one-dimensional (1-D) time series classification using 1D-CNN. But the length of the time series data is variant, e.g., from 80 to 120. So it's hard to specify the size of input layer of CNN ...
Land's user avatar
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What is the recommended way of normalizing time-series data for neural networks?

Introduction Let me begin by describing the dataset and the application that I'm currently working with. I am working on a time series binary classification problem in Keras. My current approach uses ...
Joseph Anderson's user avatar
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Softmax Classifier gives weird confusion matrix

I'm currently working on a problem of binary classification in keras and have decided to use the softmax function as the activation function for my final classification layer. My current network is as ...
Joseph Anderson's user avatar
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CNN architecture for 1D time series classification

I would like to use a CNN in order to classify signal data consisting of min. 500 data points into 3 categories. What kind of architecture and design considerations do I need to take into account and ...
user19440's user avatar
2 votes
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How can I classify time-series given a predictor for each of them?

Say that I have two time-series and a predictor for each of them. I would like to build a classifer that given a window of future (and unseen) samples returns which series is more likely to have ...
Antonio Albanese's user avatar
7 votes
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How to set up a DL classification model so that it selects from an ever changing menu

The question is edited for clarity after tchainzzz's comments about meta-learning. Let's say we have 10,000 pet pictures and 10,000 kids. Each kid is presented with 10 randomly picked pet pictures at ...
Tor's user avatar
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Model architecture approaches for event prediction at different timestamps

I would like to model a user event outcome (currently its binary). the data I have is aggregated user activity and static user data. here is an example of what the data looks like for clarity: ...
Andreyn's user avatar
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Is there a ML or DL tool that can learn to detect periodically occurring patterns in a one dimensional time series?

I am trying to create a tool that labels refrigerator temperature readings. A reading is taken every 5 minutes, and its label identifies whether of not it was taken while the refrigerator was ...
GreenBlue's user avatar
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How to handle missing data in timeseries classification?

I'm using 16-channel, 400-Hz, standardized EEG data to train CNN-LSTM for seizure classification. The data contains periods of no recordings (flatlines) - spanning anywhere from seconds to minutes - ...
OverLordGoldDragon's user avatar
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Multivariate Time Series Classification/Regression

Background, I'm predicting stock price change direction (either up or down) with about 200 predictors. All of them are time series data. We have about 1500 days as training/validation data. My ...
Arthur's user avatar
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What neural network to use to classify time series data?

I am a self-learning machine learning, so this question may be a bit trivial. I've been reading "Python Machine Learning" by Sebastian Raschka and Vahid Mirjalili; however, I am still uncertain what ...
Michael Choi's user avatar
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TIme series features using tsfresh - vector similarity

I have a dataset where there exists 16 different classes. Each class has about 400 rows of 12 attributes(iowait, read_bytes, write_bytes, etc). Using tsfresh, I have generated about 45 features(...
MrKickass's user avatar
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Time Series Classification?

I have univariate time series data for 70 subjects sampled at 1000 Hz. When graphing the single subject plots, time is on the x-axis and amplitude (arbitarty unit) on the y-axis. When looking at the ...
Ravi's user avatar
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Account previous features for classification with neural networks

My data for online testing looks like this: \begin{array} {|r|r|r|r|r} \hline &feature~1 &feature2 &feature~3 &label(Yes~or~No)\\ \hline three~steps~before &4 &3 &42 &...
mikhail14's user avatar
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Using an image of data instead of the data when modeling

If we have many sequence data and corresponding plots, is there any reason we should use the image rather than the original data for deep learning? Personally, I don't see any advantage of using CNN ...
Saddle Point's user avatar
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What kind of neural network can I use for time series classification (preferably in MATLAB)?

I am pretty new to neural networks and am trying to figure out what network to use for my particular kind of data. I have a time series (frequency vs time) of radar returns. The radar either picks up ...
am711's user avatar
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3 votes
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Which neural network architecture for time series classification?

I have time series consisting of 15 points of time, each containing around 15 values/features. Each time series is one sample, I have thousands of samples. Possible output is either 0 or 1, so binary ...
SwingNoob's user avatar
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time series classification of an event either happening or not happening using machine learning techniques

I have sensor data that I would like to use to classify whether an an event (giving birth) is about to occur within (2-4hrs) in an animal based on various metrics collected by the sensor(activity ...
xjackx's user avatar
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neural networks - Inputting a time series to a classification NN

I have a simple ANN that does the job of classification between two labels-: Sick Healthy What I want to do is that input patient data ie. heart rate(ECG), EEG, etc which will be in the form of a ...
Machina333's user avatar
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Convolutional neural network for time series? [closed]

I would like to know if there exists a code to train a convolutional neural net to do time-series classification. I have seen some recent papers (
mellow's user avatar
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How can I make sure that an LDA implementation works?

I am currently experimenting with neural nets for classification of on-line handwritten data (hence: not pixels, but time series data). To do so, I use several toolkits (internal development of my ...
Martin Thoma's user avatar
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8 votes
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Classification in time series: SVMs, Neural Networks, Random Forests or non parametric models

My dataset is made of a label, $y_{t}$, which is the dependent variable, and about 20 columns of independent numeric variables, $X_{t}$, $t=1,2,...,T$. These samples are time series and my goal is to ...
Lisa Ann's user avatar
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