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simr Failing to Run, "observed power calculation"

I am analyzing simulated delay-discounting data. The response variable is reaction time in milliseconds. K is the scaling factor describing how much value is affected by delay. College Year is from 1-...
asphodelash's user avatar
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How to run a sensitivity power analysis for linear mixed modeling (lme4 and simr)?

We conducted a behavior change field experiment using the following variables: Two time points (T0, T1) Two groups (intervention vs. control) Individual ID (n = 62 in group 1, n = 53 in group 2) ...
AnnaBosshard's user avatar
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Mixed model: Which parameters to provide for sample size calculations?

I am currently planning an analysis in a relatively new area of research and would like to provide data that will allow for future power analyses. Unfortunately, I am completely lost in the ...
a.henrietty's user avatar
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Simulating Power Analysis for Mixed Models (lme4 and simr)

I would like to calculate an a-priori power analysis for a within-groups study with the following design: participant_id condition (within groups - A, B) covariate (scale 1-7) questionnaire items (...
becbot's user avatar
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Regression model detects effects that are much smaller than it was powered to detect

I have a mixed-effects regression model with n=250 in each condition. My power analysis predicted that the model would be able to detect effects larger than Cohen's D = 0.20. However, the model ...
Benji's user avatar
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What is the optimal method for distinguishing lack of power from non-significance in linear mixed models?

I have a linear mixed model and am interested in the significance of the fixed effects. I run run 2 identical models, except the second eliminates data points that are outliers (i.e., a sensitivity ...
SilvaC's user avatar
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How can I interpret non-significance in models built with subsetted data?

I am working on revisions, and it was requested that I re-run my models separately for males and females. When I do this, I lose statistical significance in some tests in females but not in males, but ...
HarD's user avatar
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How to determine sample size needed for sufficient power to compare between levels of a fixed effect in a mixed model?

I ran a pilot study for a within-subjects experiment where the fixed effect of interest is categorical, with 4 levels. The research question involves comparing which levels of this IV can ...
MM812's user avatar
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Calculating minimum sample size required for repeated measures linear mixed model using the simr package

I would like to use the simr package to calculate the smallest sample size needed to achieve $0.80$ power at the $0.05$ alpha level while accounting for a small ...
AHS's user avatar
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Power analysis for simple LMER model in R from scratch

I'd like to compute power for some rather simple lmer models. I am aware of some packages like simr but the tutorials are not easy to follow because they ...
socialresearcher's user avatar
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power analysis for glmer mixed models

I want to know an appropriate way to conduct a post-hoc power analysis for several glmer models built in R using the lme4 package. A reviewer asked for this. What I did: I used the R package simr ...
Alaa's user avatar
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How to simulate monotonic data with constrained range?

I'm running simulations for a power analysis for a negative binomial GLMM. The dependent variable has a negative binomial distribution and will be measured at five time points. It has two other ...
zephryl's user avatar
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Choosing experimental design and sample size based on power analysis for mixed models using pilot data

I used simr package in R to determine the minimum number of subjects I need to obtain the main effect of variable A and the interaction between variable A and B on ...
Chloe's user avatar
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How to test the power of standardized coefficient in simr?

I often need to conduct power and sample size calculations for multilevel regression, typically for a fixed effect. I use the simr package which works great, but I can't figure out how to test the ...
Sointu's user avatar
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Power calculation by simulation - what do I do with model failures?

I'm trying to run a power calculation by simulation on a set of exponential decay datasets using the nlme package in R. Here's the process: Simulate a bunch of exponentials, using some conservative ...
Piethon's user avatar
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Why is simr constantly giving me erroneous power results in R? [closed]

No matter what model I fit in lmer, it seems like simr never gives an accurate read of what the data is doing. For example, the ...
Shawn Hemelstrand's user avatar
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Post hoc power analysis for multilevel regression analysis

I have a multilevel model with 2 levels (L1 = individuals, at least 710 per country; L2 = countries, 17 total) ...
User33268's user avatar
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Power issue for categorical vs. continuous predictor in lmer

I have the following model: ...
zjppdozen's user avatar
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Is there a function to calculate Sample Size for random intercept model in R

I am new to random effects and am trying to understand sample size/power/ effect size calculations. Let's say I have a dataset with 52 subjects who reported anxiety outcomes at four points in time. So ...
Tom's user avatar
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Sample size calculation for linear mixed-effect models without data

I would like to know how to do a sample size calculation without data/simulation for mixed-effect models. To briefly explain my research, I want to investigate which method (A or B) is more effective ...
gina's user avatar
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How to interpret effect sizes in simr power simulation for mixed models?

I am conducting a power analysis for linear mixed models. I want to know what sample size is needed to find a specific effect size for an interaction. I am testing the interaction effect by comparing ...
Max J.'s user avatar
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Adjust alpha in post-hoc-power when bonferroni corrected before?

I was wondering whether I need to adjust my alpha when testing the power of effects for which I have adjusted for multiple testing. This is what I did: Tested the effects of 8 (generalized) linear ...
a.henrietty's user avatar
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I am trying to use the simr R package to do an (observed) power analysis for a glmer model

EDIT: Pardon me, I am double-checking things. Some of these numbers may be totally incorrect. This is unexplored territory for me, so I was hoping that somebody could confirm that I am doing this ...
user9154908's user avatar
4 votes
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Should I remove a significant covariate from my mixed-effects model because it's underpowered?

I tried figuring out the answer by reading the comments in this thread but I am still confused. Should I remove a covariate from analysis when it comes as significant but power simulations finds that ...
kaleidoscopic's user avatar
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minimal detectable effect size in linear mixed model

I'm trying to find the minimum detectable effect size (MDES) given my sample, alpha (.05), and desired power (90%) in a linear mixed model setting. I'm using the ...
Han Zhang's user avatar
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Power-analysis and effect size in linear mixed models (post-hoc)

I'm currently analyzing data using linear mixed models (lme4 package in R) for my master thesis, and my promotor suggested running a post-hoc power analysis to justify that some factors did not end up ...
M Braun's user avatar
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Factors affecting SE and power in lmer: how do I have lower SD&CV but higher SE and lower power?

I using simulated data sets to compare the ability to two different experimental designs (A and B) to detect a interaction between two variables (x and y) in determining the observed output (o). The ...
neuropsych's user avatar
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Can I use "simr" package for power analyses on ANOVA models? [closed]

simr is an R package for conducting power analyses on linear mixed effects models. One might compute power for a model with: ...
Lyam's user avatar
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Why this simple mixed model fail to converge?

I have data on which I would like to compare the mean of the value variable between day 28 and day 83. Because the experience involve pseudo-replication (...
Philippe Massicotte's user avatar
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Power and Sample Size Estimation for Logistic Regression (Mixed) Models

I am working on designing a study based on some initial pilot data and would like to conduct a sample size estimation. I have previously used simr with linear mixed ...
JLC's user avatar
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Power analysis in a mixed model with a within-between subjects interaction

I have data from an experiment in which each subject was assigned to one of 4 experimental conditions (CONDITION, a between-subject factor), and then faced 4 similar but distinct tasks (TASK, a within-...
Cuenco's user avatar
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How to change variance-covariance matrix in mixed models?

I'm currently trying to do power calculation using SIMR package in R. To start off, I first created the following model which defines my study design with simulated output y: ...
Marsyliaq's user avatar
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GLMM with highly unbalanced data and statistical power

Although I have used R to explain my question, I think and hope this is of general interest and is not off-topic here. I want to test whether the continuous variable “varA” is different between the ...
user3844454's user avatar
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Inflated Type 1 error in glmer (for main effect but not interaction?)

I am doing simulations of type 1 error, power, and power' (power corrected for anti conservativity) for research on a specific application of (g)lmer, namely to small-N designs of longitudinal ...
reddawg50's user avatar
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Retrospective power analyis of lmer for sample size

I'm an MSc student doing an assignment where I am asked to analyze and write up a report on a dataset on environmental enrichment in zebra finches. Among other things we are being asked to do a ...
Katja's user avatar
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Sample size calculation for mixed models

I am wondering if there are any methods for calculating sample size in mixed models? I'm using lmer in R to fit the models (I have random slopes and intercepts).
Nikita Kuznetsov's user avatar