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1 answer

How can I get the population variance from a mixed model?

I supposed it is a basic question, but I'm stuckle on it and I can't find the solution. I have a date base with the slurry dry matter content from different pig production stages (CATEGORY), also, ...
RoBeDo's user avatar
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Why does the ICC differ when comparing multilevel models with using log transformations of the outcome variable in R using lme4?

I'm currently working on a multilevel modeling project in R utilizing the lme4 package. The primary aim of the research is to assess the relative importance of between-family and within-family ...
Max Herre's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Calculating variance of a dependent variable with multiple fixed effects

I am kind of a stats noob but I figure someone here may have some insight. I am running a linear mixed effects model in R, reminiscent of what's below: ...
Shannon Cahalan's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Do I need a nested random effect if I do not care about decomposing variance within clusters?

Consider I have a linear mixed effect model fitted via the R package lme4 with a nested random effect structure as: model<-lmer(y~x+(1|A/B/C)) If I look at the ...
Jmmer's user avatar
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Estimation of random intercept and random slope for singleton cluster in multilevel modeling

I am performing some multilevel analyses with the R package lme4. The study design is longitudinal with the hierachical structure of observations (L1) nested into study participants (L2). I have 215 ...
Dario Baretta's user avatar
1 vote
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Can slope variance be greater than ICC in lmer results

My question is can variance of the random slope be larger than random intercept variance? And if so, what would it mean in terms of group level variation?
Kawi's user avatar
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2 answers

Anova and mixed effect models (lm4 / nlme) return complete different effects

As a continuation of a previous topic, I would like to address a similar experience. Subjects completed an experiment in which their electrodermal activity was recorded. For each subject there are 72 ...
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Linear mixed models unequeal group variances and model fit

I have data from two groups (divisions) of participants that consider attention lapses. The question is, first, do the number of attention lapses change over the two testings, and second, do the ...
timothy's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How to get the proportion variance explained by each predictor in an lmer() model?

Is there a way to get the proportion of variance explained by individual fixed effects in a mixed effects model? I thought that the partR2 package could do this, ...
Dave's user avatar
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How does lme4 calculate residual variance for an LMM?

How does the lmer() function calculate residual variance for an LMM? If I code a model and then try to manually calculate residuals, the variance of the manually ...
gecko's user avatar
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How to construct GLMM with differing random effect variance structure by group?

I have a longitudinal dataset with a normally distributed outcome variable, a normally distributed predictor variable, and a binary grouping variable. I am trying to construct a GLMM with differing ...
gecko's user avatar
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Is regression towards the mean happening when we use a control group?

I have a subset of 40000 participants in my study. From those I would like to study those with higher weight longitudinally, and compare them with those with healthy weight. I observe, that those with ...
Lili's user avatar
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1 answer

Run mixed effect model where one fixed effects shows no variation within the random factor levels

I want to run a mixed effect model to test the effect of temperature and SLA on Herbivory. In my case, the random factor is plot since my samples are nested within ...
Marcel's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How to estimate proportions of variance in outcome variable attributable to each individual fixed effect variable in lmer?

I am using multivariate models in lme4 to try to work out, quantify and compare the effects on a single outcome variable of a large group of fixed effects variables. Because the data are at week and ...
Mel's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Don't understand why glmm random effect variance is zero. Have reviewed similar questions still dont get it

I study a colonially-nesting bird species. I am trying to perform an AICc evaluation of GLMMs for a nest site selection study. I collected data at nest sites and paired random sites. I want to ...
PIJA's user avatar
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Calculating a mixed model using pdIdent var-cov matrix

I have a question in mixed models. I'm quite new at this field and I'm trying to calculate a model in which "y" is predicted according to multiple covariates (Age,gender,BMI) and the random variable "...
Amit's user avatar
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How to estimate variance for identical & fraternal twins with a mixed model

I am using the twins data from OpenMx and am curious to estimate the empirical covariance structure for BMI differences in monozygous and dizygous twins: ...
AdamO's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How to compute correlation of random slopes for X between two Conditions with (X*Condition|subject) model in lme4?

We have the following model: Y ~ X*Condition + (X*Condition|subject) Y = dichotomous variable; values 0,1 X = continous variable; values ca. 0-3000 Condition ...
User33268's user avatar
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Partitioning variance within a level in a 3-level mixed effects model

I have a 3-level repeated measures model setup observations (level-1) nested within patients (level-2) nested within providers (level-3). One of my questions is the percentage of variance explained at ...
b222's user avatar
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Using lme4 and glmer (logit) to estimate variances of random intercepts

Our data set consists of a matrix with a few thousand respondents (rows), many items of ten surveys (columns), and all 0’s and 1’s for a certain survey answering behaviour (either responding ‘I don’t ...
Frank's user avatar
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difference between estmated and empirica variance matrix of lmer random effects

Does anyone know why when I perform a lmer analysis (here using the builtin sleepstudy dataset) the estimated variance matrix of the random effects from VarCorr are so different from the variance of ...
user3156942's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Are $R^2$ for GLMM useful for modelers but not necessarily for readers?

The short version: 1)Are there any published critiques of the use of $R^2$ for GLMMs, in particular the popular approach of Nakagawa & Schielzeth (2013) A general and simple method for obtaining $...
N Brouwer's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Understanding variance components with an interaction structure

Suppose that I have the following dataset in R: library(lme4) data(Machines,package='nlme') mydata <- Machines[Machines$Machine!='C',] There are 3 levels with ...
bluepole's user avatar
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How to find variance (in %) explained within the output coefficients?

I'm not very good with technical details or equations in stats as I'm quite new to running these in R. So I hope that you won't mind me asking these perhaps simple questions and also I would ...
BeStats's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

How can I test for differences in variation between groups in a mixed model (lme4)?

I would like to test for differences in variation, not in means, between two sites. By looking at a boxplot of my data I see that bird song in one site look much more variable in length than in ...
Diego Gil's user avatar
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Specify variance structure TOEP(1) in lmer for mixed model

How can I do the following job in R? More specific: how can I define type=toep(1) in R? ...
hongmei's user avatar
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18 votes
4 answers

Interpreting random effect variance in glmer

I'm revising a paper on pollination, where the data are binomially distributed (fruit matures or does not). So I used glmer with one random effect (individual plant)...
jwb4's user avatar
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2 votes
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Multiple comparisons for variance structure in R lme fit

How can I compare variances for different levels of a factor in a mixed effect model? I'm fitting a mixed effects model (in R using the ...
Floris's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Residual variance for glmer

I am running a glmer model and I want to determine the total variance. My data is for survival and it is coded as 0 and 1, where 1 represents that the individual survived and 0 represents that the ...
Sarah's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Error with RLRsim package while testing for variance components

I am trying to fit the mixed effects model and test for a variance component using RLRsim package. $$ Y_{ik} = \alpha + \mu_{k} + \beta G_{i} + Z_{k}G_{i} + b_{i} + \epsilon_{ik} $$ Random ...
cacharya's user avatar
3 votes
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Proper use of weights argument in linear mixed model [lme()]?

After attempting to produce a linear mixed model I was left with a great deal of heterogeneity. ...
Jonathan Bone's user avatar
9 votes
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What to do with heterogeneity of variance when spread decreases with larger fitted values

I am trying to produce a linear mixed model the R code is as follows. lme(Average.payoff~Game+Type+Others.Type+Game:Type+Game:Others.Type+Type:Others.Type,random=~1|Subjects,method="REML", data=...
Jonathan Bone's user avatar
16 votes
1 answer

How to estimate variance components with lmer for models with random effects and compare them with lme results

I performed an experiment where I raised different families coming from two different source populations. Each family was assigned one of two treatments. After the experiment I measured several traits ...
KL_STKBK's user avatar
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