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How should I analyse this experiment with two blocking factors

In this experiment, a machine is used to compare the wear resistance of 4 different types of rubber-coated fabric (variable mat coded A, B, C and D). To do this, ...
Vivek Sharma's user avatar
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What is a Randomized Complete Block Design. How do we create one and analyze it?

I have been reading about experimental design, and Randomized Complete Block designs (RCBD) in particular and I have a few queries. What exactly is a randomized complete block design ? Is there a ...
Vivek Sharma's user avatar
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Understanding the advantages of CRD experiments

I am self studying an introductory course on Designed Experiments and have come across the notion of a Completely Randomised Design (CRD) defined as follows: Completely Randomised Design: the ...
FD_bfa's user avatar
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Balanced incomplete block design - randomizing treatment order

In a balanced incomplete block (BIB) design, what is the best way to ensure each treatment appears in all positions/orders? Should I randomize treatment order within each block, so that participants ...
Dani's user avatar
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Why is it acceptable to use the Sum of Squares of an Interaction as the Sum of Squares Error in a Randomized Complete Block Design?

Take for example the RCB design [Y = I + B + F + E], where... Y is the response I is the overall intercept B is a blocking factor with two levels F is a treatment factor with two levels E represents ...
Chris Science's user avatar
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2 answers

Block design or completely randomized?

I have 5 conditions in my experiment: A,B,C,D,E and my sample size is 200 subjects. I want to have 40 subjects per condition, so I assign a condition to a person randomly without replacement. E.g. ...
Maria's user avatar
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Experimental Design Problem with Goofy Constraints

I am having trouble designing an experiment. I will give a hypothetical example that shares the main features of my actual problem. Suppose there are: $M$ meadows, indexed by $m={1,...,M}$, where $M \...
dimitriy's user avatar
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Comparing Power of SRS to Block Randomization

I am trying to figure out how to run/analyze a block randomized experiment in the following situation, and to figure out how much of an improvement I would get over simple random sampling: Suppose I ...
user3658457's user avatar
2 votes
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Blocking effect in Experiment

Let $T\in\{0,1\}$ be the variable representing the treatment. Let $X\in\{0,1\}$ be the variable representing the attributes of subject. For example, $T$ is a new medicine that will make people grow ...
KevinKim's user avatar
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Non-Randomized Block Design?

Suppose I am running a $2^2$ factorial design in two blocks. Denote the factors as A and B and the four treatment combinations as $(1), a, b$ and $ab$. Consider the blocking arrangement: ...
ved's user avatar
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