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Questions tagged [uplift]

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Are CATE/ITE estimates supposed to be normally distributed?

I am doing uplift modeling and predicting ITEs for a bunch of individuals. When I plot these, should I expected them to be normally distributed. One of the models I tried had the predictions be bi- or ...
Dylan's user avatar
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Uplift Modeling X-Learner - One model for all treatments or multiple models for each treatment?

I am using an x-learner (and doubly robust learner as well) for uplift modeling. I have a control group and 10 treatments. To start, I have just be creating one x-learner and passing it all the ...
user427024's user avatar
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In X-learner uplift modeling, predictions from the 1st-stage models help train the 2nd-stage models. What data splits should these predictions be on?

In uplift modeling with an X-learner metalearner (Künzel et al. 2019), predictions from the two first-stage models are used in training the two second-stage models. Question: What datasets/splits ...
naive_bayesian's user avatar
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Techniques for uplift modelling/Conditional Average Treatment Effect(CATE) estimation for observational data

I have very recently started learning CI and was going through this very famous paper: which mentions that Randomised Control Trials are an essential ...
Abhay Gupta's user avatar
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Measuring Advertisement Effect on Sales

I'm currently working on a project focusing on "Measuring the effect of an advertisement on sales of a product." I am seeking advice as I encountered an intricate situation that requires ...
Aniruddha Mitra's user avatar
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Uplift modeling with targeted experimental data

I am trying to set up a marketing campaign for cross-selling purposes of a specific product. Since the campaign has already been launched on a subset of customers, based on certain characteristics ...
leorug's user avatar
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