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21 votes
4 answers

Calculating required sample size, precision of variance estimate?

Background I have a variable with an unknown distribution. I have 500 samples, but I would like demonstrate the precision with which I can calculate variance, e.g. to argue that a sample size of 500 ...
Abe's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Reference for $\mathrm{Var}[s^2]=\sigma^4 \left(\frac{2}{n-1} + \frac{\kappa}{n}\right)$?

In his answer to my previous question, @Erik P. gives the expression $$ \mathrm{Var}[s^2]=\sigma^4 \left(\frac{2}{n-1} + \frac{\kappa}{n}\right) \>, $$ where $\kappa$ is the excess kurtosis of the ...
Abe's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Variance of the reciprocal II

Background I've recently read the paper Leo A. Goodman, On the Exact Variance of Products Journal of the American Statistical Association Vol. 55, No. 292 (Dec., 1960), pp. 708-713 from where I ...
David Roberts's user avatar
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What is the distribution of the variance of a sample from an unknown distribution?

I am sampling from a parameter with unknown distribution. I would like to calculate a 95% CI for the standard deviation of the sample. @cardinal provides a nice general solution for calculating a CI ...
Abe's user avatar
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Unbiased estimator of variance for samples *without* replacement

This is a follow-up question on that one: Could Bessel's correction make sample variance estimation even more biased? I understand that you need Bessel's correction to get an unbiased estimate of ...
vonjd's user avatar
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47 votes
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Computing Cohen's Kappa variance (and standard errors)

The Kappa ($\kappa$) statistic was introduced in 1960 by Cohen [1] to measure agreement between two raters. Its variance, however, had been a source of contradictions for quite a some time. My ...
Cesar's user avatar
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8 votes
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The "correct" way to approximate $\text{var}(f(X))$ via Taylor expansion

tl;dr: There are two commonly reported formulas for approximating $\text{var}(f(X))$, but one is notably better than the other. Since it isn't the "standard" Taylor expansion, where does it come from, ...
JohnA's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

What's the maximum expectation of a conditional variance, $E[\operatorname{Var}(X+Z_1 \mid X+Z_2)]$?

Let $X,Z_1,Z_2$ be 3 mutually independent RV's, with $Z_1, Z_2$ assuming $N(0,1)$ distribution. $X$ is constrained to have unit 2nd moment, i.e. $E[X^2] =1$, but may take arbitrary distribution. The ...
syeh_106's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Estimate of variance with the lowest mean square error

Regarding estimators of variance from a iid sample of size $n$, Karl Ove Hufthammer says Estimates of variance from an iid sample: if they do have a normal distribution, dividing by n+1 (sic!) ...
Tim's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Could Bessel's correction make sample variance estimation even more biased?

It is well known that Bessel's correction creates an unbiased estimator of variance. What it basically does is divide by $n-1$ instead of $n$. Now what I did is that I chose a few number, like $1,2,3,...
vonjd's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

An unbiased estimator of σ³

As it was suggested in the linked answer, $s_n = \sqrt{\frac{\sum_{i = 1}^n (x_i - \bar{x})^2}{n - 1}}$ is not an unbiased estimator of $\sigma$. I suspect neither $s_n^3 = \sqrt{\frac{\sum_{i = 1}^n ...
abukaj's user avatar
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4 votes
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How can population variance be estimated from a bivariate sample?

Let's assume a bivariate population with a correlation $\rho$ and a common $\sigma$ so that $\Sigma = \sigma^2 \begin{pmatrix}1 & \rho \\ \rho & 1\end{pmatrix}$. I would like to know the ...
Denis Cousineau's user avatar
3 votes
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Ideal Settings for Longitudinal Models?

The way I see it, logically speaking - Longitudinal Data (e.g. medical patients being measured repeatedly over a period of time) can have one of two forms: Case 1: All patients are measured exactly &...
stats_noob's user avatar
3 votes
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Estimating counts from sampled data

I am working on counting events from sampled web logs. To formalize the problem, consider a random process in which we randomly record an event with known probability $r$. Say we have $n$ recorded ...
woolshin's user avatar
3 votes
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Variance of the $\hat{\sigma}^2$ of a Maximum Likelihood estimator

Given some normally distributed observations $x_1,x_2,...,x_n$ $\forall i\ x_i\sim\mathcal{N}(\mu, \sigma^2)$ the ML estimator decides that the variance that maximizes the likelihood function is (see ...
mgus's user avatar
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How to use method of moment to find Pareto distribution estimator?

I have $f_{\alpha, \beta}(y)=\frac{\alpha}{\beta}(\frac{\beta}{y})^{\alpha +1}, y\ge\beta,\ \ \alpha,\beta\gt 0$. Both $\alpha, \beta$ unknown. To find estimators using the method of moment, we ...
CoolKid's user avatar
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Estimator of $\frac{\sigma^2}{\mu (1 - \mu)}$ when sampling without replacement

Question Consider a population of known size $N$, from which we sample $n$ individuals without replacement and measure their trait values $x_i$ for all individual $i$. The variable $x$ is bounded <...
Remi.b's user avatar
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2 votes
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What is the name of the distribution of unbiased sample variance for a sample from Gaussian distribution?

Suppose $X_i$'s are iid Gaussian random variables with mean $\mu$ and variance $\sigma^2$. The distribution of $\sum_i (X_i - \bar{X}_i)^2 / (n-1)$ isn't Chi square. What is its distribution called? ...
Jonas's user avatar
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