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Results for include variable model interaction
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130 votes

What skills are required to perform large scale statistical analyses?

Similarly, model selection is troublesome because almost any variable and any interaction you might contemplate is going to look significant. … Part of the solution was to write a program that generated the SQL commands directly from the model estimates. …
whuber's user avatar
  • 334k
111 votes

Using principal component analysis (PCA) for feature selection

Also, sparse PCA might be used to perform dimension reduction and variable selection based on the resulting variable loadings. … A last point: If you intend to perform feature selection before applying a classification or regression model, be sure to cross-validate the whole process (see §7.10.2 of the Elements of Statistical Learning …
chl's user avatar
  • 54.3k
80 votes

Why is multicollinearity not checked in modern statistics/machine learning

The classic example of this is adding polynomial terms and interaction effects to a regression: In the degenerate case, the prediction equation will interpolate data points, but probably be terrible when … Likewise, for something like an SVM, you can include more predictors than features because the kernel trick lets you operate solely on the inner product of those feature vectors. …
Sycorax's user avatar
  • 94k
74 votes

Why do we do matching for causal inference vs regressing on confounders?

For the first, you might include an interaction between the treatment and each confounder, allowing for heterogeneous treatment effects while estimating the marginal effect. … You decide to use full matching to relax the requirement of 1:1 matching to include more units in the analysis (10). …
Noah's user avatar
  • 36.8k
65 votes
2 answers

A more definitive discussion of variable selection

studies suffer from small sample size, my understanding is that there will be a lot of false positives in the literature; this also makes me less likely to trust the literature for potential variables to include … Gelman + Hill propose the following: In my Stats course, I also recall using F tests or Analysis of Deviance to compare full and nested models to do model/variable selection variable by variable
sharper_image's user avatar
56 votes

Intuition behind tensor product interactions in GAMs (MGCV package in R)

but is just shifted along the axis of the independent variable (this is an oversimplification, as any practical basis will also include an intercept and a linear term, but hopefully you get the idea). … Our new two-variable basis should then have dimension $ij$, and therefore the same number of columns in its model matrix. …
Josh's user avatar
  • 1,528
54 votes

Dealing with singular fit in mixed models

However, before doing anything, do you have a good reason for wanting X, Condition and their interaction, all to vary by subject in the first place ? … Only include them if they make sound theoretical sense AND they are supported by the data. …
Robert Long's user avatar
  • 65.8k
50 votes

Difference between LOESS and LOWESS

. loess has several capabilities that lowess doesn't: It accepts a formula specifying the model rather than the x and y matrices The model can include multiple predictors, factors and interactions. … The gam CRAN package provides the ability to include lowess curves in generalized linear model fits. …
Gordon Smyth's user avatar
  • 13.5k
50 votes

Simulation of logistic regression power analysis - designed experiments

Nonetheless, your response rates require us to include both squared terms and interaction terms in our model. … Specifically, your model will need to include: $var1^2$, $var1*var2$, and $var1^2*var2$, beyond the basic terms. …
gung - Reinstate Monica's user avatar
50 votes

What is a contrast matrix?

An instructive remark: When we do a regression by binary predictor variables, the parameter of such a variable says about the difference in Y between variable=1 and variable=0 groups. … =1 and (not just variable=0 but even) reference_variable=1 groups. …
ttnphns's user avatar
  • 58.8k
45 votes

Industry vs Kaggle challenges. Is collecting more observations and having access to more var...

I would suggest we use domain knowledge to decide on likely interaction terms, thresholds, categorical variable coding strategies, etc. … Or if you have a date, maybe you'll include the S&P 500 closing price for that day. …
olooney's user avatar
  • 3,335
45 votes
5 answers

Using LASSO from lars (or glmnet) package in R for variable selection

I am looking to use LASSO variable selection for a multiple linear regression model in R. I have 15 predictors, one of which is categorical(will that cause a problem?). … Is there any way to include interaction terms in a LASSO procedure? …
James's user avatar
  • 451
45 votes
2 answers

Simulation of logistic regression power analysis - designed experiments

The model that will be used to analyze the results will be a logistic regression, with main effects and interaction (response is 0 or 1). … When the real analysis is conducted, Var1 will be used a numeric (and we will include a polynomial term Var1*Var1) to account for any curvature. …
B_Miner's user avatar
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43 votes

Do all interactions terms need their individual terms in regression model?

Note: There may be special circumstances where you would only want to include the interaction, if the $x_i z_i$ has some particular substantive meaning or if you only observe the product and not the individual … But, in that case, one may as well think of the predictor $a_i = x_i z_i$ and proceed with the model $$ y_i = \alpha_0 + \alpha_1 a_i + \varepsilon_i $$ rather than thinking of $a_i$ as an interaction
Macro's user avatar
  • 45.8k
40 votes

Difference in Difference method: how to test for assumption of common trend between treatmen...

You include the interactions of the time dummies and the treatment indicator for the first two pre-treatment periods and you leave out the one interaction for the last pre-treatment period due to the dummy … variable trap. …
Andy's user avatar
  • 19.3k

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